History of Ethics

  • 6500 BCE


    A brief description of Trephination is when the medicine man drills a hole into the persons skull to release the demons. The treatments were most likely done with out the permission of the people.
  • Tearoom Trade Study

    Laud Humphreys pretended to be a homosexual and went to tearooms and observed how the homosexuals lived their life. He then wrote a book about it years later
  • Zimbardo Prison Experiment

    Zimbardo selected 24 male students from Stanford University to participate in a 6 day experiment funded by the US Naval office of research. Participants were randomly assigned roles.
  • National Commission for the protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavorial Research

    This released the Belmont Report, which clarified research in three important areas 1. Distinction between therapeutic practice and research. 2. established ethical principles of respect for persons. 3. justice, evidenced by a fair balance between research benefits and burdens

    establishes the conditions under which protected health information may be used for research purposes. researchers must disclose what will be done with the information.