
History of English Literature by Brayan Andrés Calderón Urueña.

  • 500

    Old Literature

    Old Literature
    -People expressed poems and literary works by orally during the term. -Norman Conquest: Invasion of the Normans in England in the year 1066. -The Anglo-Saxons were made up of three tribes that sailed to England through the North Sea route - the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes. E.g. Anglo-saxon literature like epic poetry, hagiography, sermons, Bible translations, legal works, chronicles and riddles.
  • 1100

    Middle English literature

    Middle English literature
    -The English literature succeed at a distinguished rate. Chaucer presented the Iambic Pentameter. -The most respected and well-known writer was Geoffrey Chaucer. He is known as the father-figure in English literature. -Mysteries. Miracle and Morality plays took part in Medieval
    theatre. We will be discussing the Miracle and Morality plays just because these two are the ones which are widely discussed upon. For example: mummers' plays and folk tales.
  • 1500

    English Renaissance

    English Renaissance
    -This era is one of the most significant in the History of English Literature.
    - Introduction of the printing press.
    - The famous writer William Shakespeare.
    - The 'plague' in England has gone and the hundred years' wars were over.
  • Period: 1558 to

    Elizabethan Era

    • It was an age of poetry. Furthermore, the theatre became central to the Elizabethan era. During that one, drama modified from religious to secular. -This era was the period of new thoughts and new way of thinking. Various other works like fine arts endured support and assistance from the Queen.
  • Period: to

    Jacobean Era

    -There was the wide popularity of metaphysical poetry. The term
    "metaphysical poetry". -The two primary contributions of this era in English literature
    are Metaphysical poetry and the Revenge play. -He was well-known for his unique and metaphysical style of poetry. E.g. visual arts, decorative arts, and literature which characterized that period..
  • Period: to

    Caroline Era

    -George Herbert, Henry Vaughan were writers of that era.
    -Along that term, a civil war was taken between the
    supporters of the king.
  • NeoClassicism Age

    NeoClassicism Age
    • It started the British tradition of 'afternoon tea'. Popular types of literature include parody,letters, essays, and satire.
    -The word 'Neo-Classical' is made up of with the two ones 'Neo' and 'Classical'. Neo implies 'new' and classical denotes the 'Roman and Greek classics'. For instance; Rococo style and architecture.
  • Period: to

    Restoration Period

    -Theatre closed down by the Puritans was restored. John
    Dryden, greatest of all the poets of this era, established heroic couplet in English Poetry. -This age was the beginning of modern prose.
  • Period: to

    Augustan Literature

    -That time was reigned by King Augustus, who was the emperor of that era. Some of the most well-known Augustan writers were Virgil and Horace. -Alexander Pope was the biggest name of this period. He basically wrote down on harmony.
    • Women condition was not properly.
    For instance: Writings in prose.
  • Period: to

    Age of Sensibility

    Age of Sensibility -The literary works of this age reflect on human feelings,
    classicism and Romantic revival.
    -Two most famous writers of this period are Richard Brinsley Sheridan and Oliver Goldsmith E.g. Novels.
  • Romanticism

    -A lot of Romantic writers believed that people regardless of wealth or social class must be able to appreciate and value art and literature. -The poets basically tried to elicit their inner feelings. -This term was principally a reaction against the philosophy of Enlightenment period that dominated most of European Philosophy. E.g. The emotion as an authentic source of aesthetic experience, placing new emphasis on such emotions as apprehension, horror and terror, and awe—
  • Victorian literature

    Victorian literature
    -The Victorian era was one of the most relevant eras ones in the History of English Literature.
    -The Victorian novels portrayed almost every perspective of nineteenth-century Victorian life.
    -Technology and industrial progress helped Great Britain to become one of the most dominant countries in the world.
    -Charles Darwin wrote down Origin of the Species which caused full-scale controversy in Europe. For example: Comics operas and plays.
  • Modernism

    -Literature started spreading around the world.
    -Women at the time were quelled in the literary sense. They were not allowed to write down with no restriction.
  • Period: to

    The Edwardian Age

    -Wright brothers invented the first airplane during that time. -In this era, the women status in the society seem to raise up. Science and technology were also developed.
  • Period: to


    -A relevant advancement, beginning in the 1930s and 1940s was a tradition of working class novels certainly written by working-class background writers. -James Joyce's published Finnegans Wake, in which he creates a special language to express the mindfulness of a dreaming character.
  • Post–modernism

    -Postmodern literature is a prolongation of the experimentation supported by writers of the modernist period. -Postmodern literature, like postmodernism as a whole, is hard to define and there is little agreement on the exact characteristics, scope, and relevance of postmodern literature. For instance:
    Architecture, to historical theory, to philosophy and film.