• 1066

    OLD ENGLISH 450 – 1066

    OLD ENGLISH 450 – 1066
    It was the begining of this period also called Anglo-Saxon. It was in use from about 500 AD to about 1100 AD. It was also the earliest period of English Literature. ANGLO SAXON ENGLANDIt is regarded as beginning with theinvasion of Britain by Germanic tribesin the 5th century AD and lasting untilthe French invasion under William theConqueror in 1066.
  • 1500

    MIDDLE ENGLISH 1066 – 1500

    MIDDLE ENGLISH 1066 – 1500
    It was the second period. The Canterbury Tales Here bygynneth the Book of the tales of Caunterbury Whan that aprill with his shoures soote The droghte of march hath perced to the roote, And bathed every veyne in swich licour Of which vertu engendred is the flour; 11
  • PURITAN 1653

    PURITAN 1653
    It talks when Oliver Carmber to England through 1653. Devoted fisherman Izaak Walton publishes the classic work on the subject, The Compleat Angler.
  • ENGLISH RENAISSANCE : 1500 -1660

    ENGLISH RENAISSANCE : 1500 -1660
    1524, William Tyndale studies in the university at witthemberg and planes translate the bible into English. The first version of the English prayer book, or Book of Common Prayer, is published with text by Thomas Cranmer. here we have the Elizabethan period from 1558 to 1603 of queen elizabet. The Jacobean period from 1603 to 1625 of king james I and the Carolina period 1625 to 1653 of king Charles I.
  • RESTAURATION 1660 -1700

    RESTAURATION 1660 -1700
    When Charles II restored the monarchy.
  • XVIII CENTURY 1700 - 1798

    XVIII CENTURY 1700 - 1798
    This particular period is devided in two: the Augustan literature from 1700 to 1750. The Augustan Age begins in English literature, claiming comparison with the equivalent flowering under Augustus Caesar. And the age of sensibility from 1750 to 1798.
  • ROMANTICISM 1798 to 1837.

    ROMANTICISM 1798 to 1837.
    When we find romantic country. English poets Wordsworth and Coleridge jointly publish Lyrical Ballads, a milestone in the Romantic movement. Walter Scott publishes The Lay of the Last Minstrel, the long romantic poem that first brings him fame.
  • VICTORIAN 1837 - 1901

    VICTORIAN 1837 - 1901
    Alfred Tennyson's elegy for a friend, In Memoriam, captures perfectly the Victorian mood of heightened sensibility.
  • MODERN 1901 - 1940

    MODERN 1901 - 1940
    American-born poet Thomas Stearns Eliot crosses the Atlantic to England, making it his home for the rest of his life
  • POST-MODERN 1940 - 2000

    POST-MODERN 1940 - 2000
    English author Nancy Mitford has her first success with the novel The Pursuit of Love. The poems forming Ted Hughes's Birthday Letters describe his relationship with Sylvia Plath.

    It describes the historical period from approximately 1945 to the present. The term "contemporary history" has been in use at least since the early 19th century.