Aristoteles was the first to mention about this gender, he wrote some shorts stories about it. -
There are some short texts that show a little bit about this gender, but we do not know about the specific date when drama appeared. -
The first comedy recognized
It was written by Nicholas Udall. "roister Doister" -
Period: 1564 to
It was one of the greatest authors in the world, during his life he wrote important stories in drama gender like "Pericles" and "The tempest". -
Period: to
Different texts have been written using this gender of writing. -
There is a poem "Samson Agonistes" written in 1671 that express tragedy and since then, there have been written some stories using this gender. -
Period: to
It does not have a specific date but in the XVIII century appeared this gender. -
English literature enters the university
English literature first enters the university in Scotland under the label of "Rhetoric and belles Lettres" -
Period: to
XIX Century
English Literature in the nineteenth- century universities became instead a way of connecting yourself to the past. -
First professor in English language and literature
University College London began teaching language and literature. -
Second professor in English language and literature
King’s College London started the class with a professor too. -
Professor in Literature in Glasgow Scotland
One of the representatives universities started with a professor for English language and literature. -
First professor of literature in Ireland
Trinity College Dublin was the first college to start with a professor for language and literature. -
First examination board
It was created by Cambridge university as an examination board in "Medieval and modern languages" which included English as one of its topics. -
First professorship in English language and literature
It was stablished by Oxford University. -
Professorship in Literature
Cambridge University reply to Oxford with a different career. -
Period: to
It borns "Culture"
Some university teachers, of whom I. A. Richards and F. R. and Q. D. Leavis at Cambridge were the most influential, saw the rise of ‘mass civilization’ as a threat to what they called ‘culture’. -
Period: to
American literature started to be taught
American Literature began to be taught; American teachers developed an approach to studying literature which was immediately chris-tened ‘the New Criticism’: the best known New Critics being John Crowe Ransom, Cleanth Brooks, William K. Wimsatt and Monroe C. Beardsley. -
Some texts better than others?
For Hugh Blair, for the nineteenth- century professors, for the Cambridge people in the twenties and thirties, and for the New Critics in the 1940s, there was no question about this: some texts, and some types of writing, were just better than others. -
A change in the nature of literature
It was in the 1960s that a shift in the nature of literary studies began which remains the context in which English Literature is taught in universities today.