1101 BCE
A famous text
The oldest text found is "el Cantar del Mio Cid" -
1000 BCE
The stanzas
it emerged jarchas, little poems about love. -
1000 BCE
Spanish origen
It arose in Cantabria because of the contact between some languages like the Vascones language and Navarro-Aragonese language. -
800 BCE
The new languages
the arrival of the Visigoths brought a vulgar language that made the appearance of romance languages. -
500 BCE
The arrival
The Visigoths arrived with a vulgar Latin language. -
218 BCE
language disappearence
with the coming of Romans, many languages disappeared. In the same year, Spain was trying to incorporate into the Greco Roman world. -
215 BCE
History of Spanish Language
Romans came to the Iberian Peninsula. -
Elio Antonio de Nebrija
Elio Antonio de Nebrija published the gramatica/castellana that pretended to define, to code and to preserve the Spanish for the future. -
The Real Academia Española was founded by the order of Felipe V whose intention was to ensure the purity of the language.