History of English

  • 449

    Germans Invade

    Germans Invade
    In 449 CE the Anglos, Saxons and Jutes invade England
  • Apr 15, 1066

    William Invades

    William Invades
    In 1066 CE William the Conqueror invades and conquerors England
  • May 18, 1348

    English replaces Latin

    English replaces Latin
    English replaces Latin as the language of instruction in most schools
  • Jul 29, 1362

    French to English

    French to English
    For the first time in years English replaces French as the language of law
  • Jun 26, 1476

    New Invention

    New Invention
    The first printing press was invented by William Caxton
  • New Words

    New Words
    The first English dictionary (Table Alphabeticall ) was published by Robert Cawdrey
  • Daily Mail

    Daily Mail
    The first daily English newspaper (The Daily Courant) was published in London
  • America's Independence

    America's Independence
    The American Declaration of Independence was written by Thomas Jefferson
  • The Dictionary That Changed English

    The Dictionary That Changed English
    The Oxford English Dictionary was published. Written by J.A Simpson