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History of England (from 1066 t0 1400)

  • Oct 14, 1066

    The Norman Invasion

    The Norman Invasion
    William, Duke of Normandy, was distantly related to Edward who had promised the throne, William prepared to invade Britain. William crossed the English Channel and landed in Pervensey on 28 September.
    That took place at Hastings on 14 October William's army was superior because he used archers and mounted warriors. A crucial moment came when Haroldwas killed.
  • Jan 1, 1087

    William II ruled from 1087 to 1100

    william II called rufus because of his red hair and he is the son of William I
  • Jan 1, 1100

    Henry I ,ruled from 1100 to 1135

    he was a good king,he hiried mercenaries,the knights could pay a sum of money, the Scutage instead of giving the king military service.
    Regained control of the justice system by creating travelling judge. The law they administrated was called Common Law.
  • Jan 2, 1199

    Jhon, ruled from 1199 to 1216

    in the popular perception he is Bad King ,he appearts as a cowardly,cruel and reprehensible monarch. The ribellion started in England in 1215 ,his defence of the French territoriers was ineffective and the collectionof taxes drained theincomea of the barons
  • May 1, 1215

    The Magna Carta

    The Magna Carta
    The barons refused to pay scutage and conspired to resist the king.
    By May 1215 war had broken out,the Army of Good defied the king and John sealed the Magna Carta.
    The Magna Carta called for a guarantee of protection to all free men from illegal imprisioned and seizure of property.
  • Jan 1, 1272

    Edward I , ruled from 1272 to 1307

    He is the son of Henry and continued the experiment when he become king. The meeting of hs council,known as the barons the clergy, two knights from each country and two citizens from each town
  • Jan 1, 1337

    Edward III

    In 1337 Edward III started the Hundred Years' War against France.
  • Jan 1, 1348

    The Black Death 1347-50

    The Black Death 1347-50
    The black death was one of the greatest human tragedies every experienced in Europe. This plague ,know as the Black Deadht because the body dark-colorued after deadth was caused by fleas living on black rats which infested ships trading with Europe. Rich or poor,young or old, fit or ill, man or woman, the plague, like a tornado, made no distinction when it came. The Black Death was responsible for the death of a third of England's population and contribuited to the social changes in England.
  • Jan 1, 1387

    The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer 1386-1400

    The Canterbury Tales  by Geoffrey Chaucer 1386-1400
    Geoffrey Chaucer is the son of winw merchant and the relative wealth of his family enabled him to receive an excellent education. He dieid in 14oo and was the firts poet to be buried in Westminster Abbey, in what was to become Poets Corner. in his unfinisched narrative poem Canterbury Tales Chaucer used the structure of the three orders of society. This work belongs to a genre of writing knows as ' estates satire'.
  • Jan 1, 1460

    The Wars of the Roses 1455-85

    The Wars of the Roses 1455-85
    on Henry IV 's death a civil war for succession broke out between the House of Lancaster ( red rose) and the House of York (white rose). The Wars of the Roses were fact three separate conflicts, or lightning campaigns, that were resolved quickly on the battlefield. The Wars of the Roses finished with the marriage of Elizabeth of York, and Enry VII salied the peace between the two house and founded the new Tudor dynasty.
  • Jan 1, 1485

    Henry VII 1485-1509

    King Henry VII is the first king of the Tudor House.