The term "atom" was coined
A man named Democritus first came up with the idea that matter was made of particles, and coined the term "atom". -
May 4, 1100
Oldest recorded instance of lodestone being used as a compass.
Birth of Robert Boyle
Robert Boyle introduced the laws of gases, as well as proposing the idea that small particles were combined to make molecules. -
Otto von Guerike constructs the first vacuum pump
Joseph Priestly discovers oxygen and carbon monoxide
C.W. Scheele discovers metal oxidization (rust)
Birth of A.L. Lavioser, who discovered nitrogen as well as the composition of many organic materials. Sometimes regarded as the "Father of Chemistry"
Birth of A. Volta, who invented the first electric battery
Benjamin Franklin demonstrates that lightning is electricity
Count Rumford discovers that heat is a form of energy
Dmitri Mendeleev compiles the first edition of the Periodic Table
Charles Martin Hall figures out how to manufacture aluminum
Sir James Chadwick discovers the neutron
Birth of Harold C Urey, who would become one of the leaders of the Manhattan Project
The chemical mechanism to set off the first atomic bomb is created
Birth of F.H.C. Crick, who discovered the structure of the DNA molecule