2700 BCE
Group 1
The Egyptian Pyramids were built. -
Group 1
The Romans built a road system that was 44,00 miles. As well as driving water. -
Group 1
The Medieval and Renaissance periods in Europe span lasted this long. -
Jan 1, 1345
Group 1
The Nutre Dame De paris was being built. -
Jan 1, 1382
Group 1
Mariano d: icapo known as Taccola created two books of drawings of mechanical devices. -
Jan 1, 1420
Group 1
The Wooden type was used. -
Jan 1, 1426
Group 1
Gutenburg began printing with individually cast metal letters. -
Group 2
The steam engine was developed by Newcomen and John Caltey. -
Group 2
Th first couple of clocks were developed to have accurate time under certain conditions by John Harrison. -
Group 2
The water frame was developed to use water to transform cotton into threads. -
Group 2
Robert Fulton was the first to successfully developed a steam boat ( 146 ft.3 1009) -
Group 2
The first railroad system powered by steam was developed. -
Group 2
The first telegram was developed by scientists who had an understanding of technology. -
Group 2
the first light bulb was invented by Thomas Edison who also had a theoretical understanding of electricity -
Group 3
First Transcontinental Railroad -
Group 3
First Theoretical understanding of electricity -
Group 3
Light bulb was invented -
Group 3
!st lighting system -
Group 3
Mono tip and linotype -
Group 4
David Sarnoff became president of RCA which made others soon realize that the radio as a broadcast medium had significant of radio. -
Group 3
AC became electrical Distribution -
Group 3
1st controlled plane -
Group 3
Ford was introduced -
Group 3
Almost everyone in the us had a car -
Group 4
RCA created the first radio station -
Group 3
Computers were introduced -
Group 4
They started making computers -
Group 4
They started making transistors -
Group 4
Experimental CRV became commercially important. -
Group 4
RRC delivered first uni-vac CPV -
Group 4
IBM introduced IBM 701 -
Group 4
Te first integrated circuit was made