
History of engineering

  • 2700 BCE

    Egyptian pyramids

    Egyptian pyramids
  • 2200 BCE

    roman road system

    roman road system
  • 500 BCE

    the mediveal and renassnece periods in europe

  • Period: Jan 1, 1163 to Jan 2, 1345

    The norte dame de parris were being built

  • Period: Jan 1, 1382 to Jan 1, 1458

    mariano diacopo known as taccola created two box of drawings of mechanical devices

  • Jan 1, 1420

    The wooden type writer was used

    The wooden type writer was used
  • Jan 1, 1426

    Guttenburg began printing with individuals cast and metal letters

    Guttenburg began printing with individuals cast and metal letters
  • Period: Jan 1, 1451 to Jan 1, 1506

    ocean from Europe, exploration,caravel,and carracks,Christopher colombus

  • The meaning of engineering was established

  • Period: to

    first steam engine

    developed by Newcomen and John calley
  • Period: to

    The first couple of clocks were developed

    developed to have accurate time
  • Industrial revolution

    Industrial revolution
    There were new technological changes including the steam engine, machine for creating textiles and mechanical printing,steam power transportation and the development of an accurate clock
  • Period: to

    The water frame was developed to used water to transform cotton into threads

  • Period: to

    Robert fulton was the first person to successfully develop a steam ship

  • Period: to

    the first telegram was develop by scientist Michael Faraday and James Maxwell

  • Period: to

    the first lightbulb was developed by Thomas Edison

  • Period: to

    First transcontinental Railroad

  • First theoretical understanding of electricity

    First theoretical understanding of electricity
  • first lightbulb

    first lightbulb
  • 1st lighting system

    1st lighting system
  • Monotip & linotype

    Monotip & linotype
  • Period: to

    David sarnoff became president of RCA

  • AC became primary electrical distribution

    AC became primary electrical distribution
  • First controlled plane

    First controlled plane
  • Ford was introduced

    Ford was introduced
  • Almost everyone in the us had a car

    Almost everyone in the us had a car
  • RCA created the first radio station

    RCA created the first radio station
  • Computers

  • They started making computers

    They started making computers
  • They started making transistors

    They started making transistors
  • Computers were commercialy important

    Computers were commercialy important
  • Experimental CRV became commercially important

    Experimental CRV became commercially important
  • RC delivered first univac CPV

    RC delivered first univac CPV
  • IBM introduce IBM 701

    IBM introduce IBM 701
  • TNCY made the integrated circuit

    TNCY made the integrated circuit