Tesla coil in action sitting

History of energy use in America

  • Coal use in the US

    Coal use in the US
    In 1748 commercial production of coal began outside Richmond, Virginia.
  • Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution
    The economy changed from a labor based economy to a machine based economy with the introduction of the coal-powered steam engine. The more machines that were used, the more energy was consumed.
  • streetlights lit with gas from coal

    streetlights lit with gas from coal
    Baltimore, Maryland is the first city to light its street lights with fuel produced from coal.
  • Thomas Edison

    Thomas Edison
    Edison starts a coal-fired power station in NYC which supplies electricity for lighting households.
  • wood commonly used

    wood commonly used
    Most rural homes in the U.S. continue to use wood to heat up their homes as well as cook.
  • oil becomes popular source of energy

    oil becomes popular source of energy
    As the popularity of cars rose, oil became the most-used source of energy.
  • first nuclear power plant

    first nuclear power plant
    The first commercial nuclear power plant is built in Pennsylvania.
  • Nuclear energy replaces hydropower

    Nuclear energy replaces hydropower
    Nuclear power becomes the second largest source of energy in America, replacing hydropower.
  • first electric car

    first electric car
    General Motors creates the very first electric car, named "The Impact."
  • Bush wants greater use of alternative fuels

    Bush wants greater use of alternative fuels
    President Bush calls for greater used of alternative fuels, especially ethanol, in his State of the Union address.