Old factory

History of energy in the U.S.

  • Benjamin Franklin discovers electricity

    Benjamin Franklin discovers electricity
    Benjamin Franklin performs his famous experiment and discovers electricity.
  • Stream locomotive

    Stream locomotive
    The baltimore Thumb was the first steam locomotive to run in the u.s.
  • Samuel Morse invents telegraph system

    Samuel Morse invents telegraph system
    Morse's system only used one wire and was used for communication all over the U.S.
  • First Electric motor

    First Electric motor
    Invented by Emily and Thomas Davenport, it was commercially unsuccessful unfortunately, but necessary never the less.
  • First gas engine

    First gas engine
    George Brayton invents the first true gas engine, it ran on kerosene and was a two stroke engine
  • Schoelkopf Power station

    Schoelkopf Power station
    First hydroelectric plant in the U.S. It was situated on Niagra falls.
  • First Solar Cell invented

    First Solar Cell invented
    Charles Fritz harnesses solar energy and turns it into electricity.
  • First Overhead powerline built

    First Overhead powerline built
    electricity could now be sent to places farther away.
  • First Nuclear Power Plant

    First Nuclear Power Plant
    This plant was opened by Dwight Eisenhower.
  • Modern Electric Car

    Modern Electric Car
    Tesla come out with the Tesla Roadster, it can go 200 miles on one charge.