History of Electricity

By jrbout
  • Ben Franklin and his studies

    Ben Franklin and his studies
    Benjamin Franklin experiments with static charges in the air and theorized about the existence of an electrical fluid that could be composed of particles. William Watson discharged a Leyden jar through a circuit, that began the comprehension of current and circuit. Henry Cavendish started measuring the conductivity of different materials.
  • Ben Franklin's Lightning rod

    Ben Franklin's Lightning rod
    Benjamin Franklin invented the lightening rod - he demonstrated lightning was electricity.
  • Batteries

    First electric battery invented by Alessandro Volta. Volta proved that electricity could travel over wires.
  • DTE?

    First energy utility in US founded.
  • Electric motor

    Electric motor
    First electric motor invented by Michael Faraday.
  • 1826

    Ohms Law written by Georg Simon Ohm states that "conduction law that relates potential, current, and circuit resistance"
  • Electromagnetism

    Principles of electromagnetism induction, generation and transmission discovered by Michael Faraday.
  • EEL Co.

    EEL Co.
    Edison Electric Light Co. (US) and American Electric and Illuminating (Canada) founded.
  • More Eddison

    More Eddison
    First commercial power station opens in San Francisco, uses Charles Brush generator and arc lights. First commercial arc lighting system installed, Cleveland, Ohio. Thomas Edison demonstrates his incandescent lamp, Menlo Park, New Jersey.
  • Grand Rapids is Important

    Grand Rapids is Important
    First power system isolated from Edison. In Grand Rapids Michigan: Charles Brush arc light dynamo driven by water turbine used to provide theater and storefront illumination.
  • Electric Transformer

    Electric Transformer
    The electric transformer is invented. Thomas Edison introduces the "three-wire" transmission system.
  • Steam Turbine

    Steam Turbine
    Steam turbine invented by Charles Parsons.
  • AC is invented

    AC is invented
    William Stanley develops transformer and Alternating Current electric system. Frank Spraguebuilds first American transformer and demonstrates use of step up and step down transformers for long distance AC power transmission in Great Barrington, Massachusetts. TheWestinghouse Electric Company is organized. 40 to 50 water powered electric plants reported on line or under construction in the U.S. and Canada.1887 In San Bernadino, California, the High Grove Station, first hydroelectric plant in the
  • Tesla's AC generator

    Tesla's AC generator
    Rotating field AC alternator invented by Nikola Tesla.
  • Home Electricity

    Home Electricity
    60 cycle AC system introduced in U.S.
  • Electron discovery

    Electron discovery
    Electron discovered by J. J. Thomson.