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History of Egypt from 1945-Present

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    Isreali Conflict

    Egypt and its allies Syria and Jordan instigate an armed conflict against the new nation of Isreal. This conflict was brought on by predjudices and differences of religions. The Isrealis are primarily Jewish while the rest of the arab nations are mostly Muslim. Many Muslims couldn't stand the fact that Jews controlled the holy city of Jerusalem, thus the war began.
  • Arab forces invade Isreal.

    Forces from Egypt, Syria, and Jordan along with expeditionary forces from Iraq enter Palistine. They take control of arab areas around them then immediatly start attacking Isreali forces and Jewish settlements.
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    Main Phase of the Egypt/Isreal Conflict

    Time span of Isreali/Egyptian armed conflict.
  • Egypt signs armistice with Isreal

    After a year of fighting Egypt realises that it can't beat the small Jewish nation and signs an armistice to end the fighting. This armistice allowed Isreal to claim 78% of Palestine as its own lands.
  • Egypt becomes a republic.

    Egypt becomes a republic.
    General Muhammad Naguib was declared the first president of Egypt. Shortly after his election he was forced to resign by the person behind the republic movement, Gamal Abdel Nasser. Nasser took Naguib's place as leader of Egypt. He nationalized the Suez Cannal, causing the crisis in 1956.
  • 6 Day War

    6 Day War
    A war between Isreal and The Arab League. In only 6 days Isreal captured the Gaza Strip, Sinai Peninsula, West Bank of the Jordan River, and Golan Hieghts. The war resulted in a crushing defeat of the Arab nations, including Egypt and caused Egypt to lose hold on the Sinai Peninsula.
  • Yom Kippur War

    Yom Kippur War
    Egypt and Syria launch a two pronged attack into Isreal to recover lost territory and elemenate the small Jewish nation that controlled the Holy Lands. Egypt launched a massive offensive in the Sinai Peninsula while Syria invaded Golan Hieghts. Egypt met a stalemate in the Peninsula while in less than a week Isreali forces pushed Syria back to pre-war ceasefire lines. The conflict lasted about 20 days before the UN could broker a peace treaty.
  • Egyptian/Isreali Peace Treaty.

    Egyptian Presiden Anwar el Sadat signed a peace treaty with Isreali Prime Minister Menachim Begin that made Egypt recognize Isreal as a sovriegn nation. Egypt was the first Arab nation to do so. Because of this Egypt is condemned by the other Arab nations and excluded from the Arab League.
  • Mohammad Morsi Elected

    Mohammad Morsi Elected
    Mohammad Morsi narrowly wins the election, becoming the first president elected after Mubarik ruled from 1981-2011. He is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, which causes tension and violence in the future.
  • Egyptian Military Overthrows Morsi

    The military overthrows Morsi because they feared he was a threat to the state. They remove Morsi and institute a military rule that has yet to be replaced by an elected official.