History of Education Timeline

  • Education in the Colonial Period

    Education in the Colonial Period
    MOST IMPORTANT Most of the first schools were religious in nature.The the quality of the schools varied from basically a glorified day care to elite schools. Harvard and other great univerites were found during this time. Link Text
  • The Impact of Jefferson, Rush, & Webster

    Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Rush, and Noah Webster have had an effect on education. There have influenced education with their writings or their dictionary, speller, and readers.
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    Common Schools

    They were public schools in the United States during the nineteenth century This was part of Horace Mann's (1796-1859) push for public education.
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    The Progressive Reform Movement

    A movement for reform that occurred roughly between 1900 and 1920. Progressives, in the case of education, had a different ideas on how it should be done..
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    Population Growth and Immigration in the 19th century

    There was large increase in immigration from rural areas and other countries during this time.
  • Committee of Ten

    It was a group of educators that recommended the standardization of American high school curriculum.
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    The Measurement Movement

    It was a movement that looked for ways to measure intelligence, of which Lewis M. Terman and Edward L. Thorndike were a part.
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    Secondary School Movement

    It is era from 1910 to 1940 during which secondary schools sprouted across the United States.
  • Brown vs. Board of Education

    Brown vs. Board of Education
    It was a landmark United States Supreme Court case which declared state laws establishing separate public schools for black and white students to be unconstitutional. It was between Oliver L. Brown and the Topeka, Kansas Board of Education. This ruling would be important later with the federal government forced schools to integrate schools.Link Text
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    Sputnik and NDEA

    Sputnik spurred the passage of the National Defense Education Act (NDEA) when the Soviet Union shocked the United States by successfully launching the first Earth orbiting satellite.
  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act

    Elementary and Secondary Education Act
    MOST IMPORTANT This Act was for funding primary and secondary education. Also, the Act emphasize equal access to education and sets high standards and accountability. Its legacy is that it was reauthorized in modified forms by President George W. Bush and Barack Obama.Link Text
  • The Civil Rights Movement & The War on Poverty

    The Civil Rights Movement & The War on Poverty
    MOST IMPORTANT From 1954-1968 the Civil Rights Movement & The War on Poverty took place. The Civil Rights Movement helped to integrate schools. In the case of The War on Poverty Lyndon Johnson tried to help the poor.Link Text Link Text
  • Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act

    Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act
    MOST IMPORTANT This Act made it so that those with disabilities could be with other students. Before this those with disabilities were largely segregated from other students. This has been both good and bad because the integration has been costly in some cases.
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  • A Nation at Risk Report

    It is the a report from American President Ronald Reagan's National Commission on Excellence in Education.
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    It was an Act that supported standards-based education reform based on setting high standards and establishing measurable goals to hopefully improve outcomes in education. The Act required states to develop assessments in basic skills in order to receive federal school funding.