History of Education Timeline

  • Northwest Land Ordinance

    The Northwest Land Ordinance of 1785 was created to make a clear and orderly way to split up the "new land" that today is called the American Midwest.
  • The Impact of Jefferson, Rush and Webster

    Jefferson fought for the a required 3 years of school for all children, while Rush fought for public schools and women education and Webster made it so all schools have the same American education books. Together they made the public school system possible.
  • Common Schools

    Common Schools
    School around America where majorly diverse in their physical aspects. Horace Mann made it so each school had the same physicals advances as the next school-books and building wise, that they were free to the people and that everyone could learn at them.
  • The Impact of Horace Mann

    Horace Mann traveled throughout all of America taking and keeping notes on the thousands of schools he saw. He reformed the schools believing that all schools should universal, nonsectarian and free. He thought that a public school system was the future of America, a way to make good, productive citizens.
  • Population Growth and Immigration in the 19 Century

    Once the Public School System was placed into America, people from other countries wanted to be a part of that system. There came a great rush of people, from all over the world, into the United States to have their children receive an education. The problem that arose was that the schools were Protestant and that the students were being taught Protestant ways and not everyone is Protestant anymore! Also the amount of children was flooding the schools and overflowing into the factories.
  • Secondary School Movement

    This is the movement when secondary schools popped around America in quick succession The youth of America was rapidly applying for school wanting to learn "for life" and not just "for college".
  • Committee of Ten

    The people wanted to have a standardization in schools across the country but no resolve on how. This Committee resolved the problems.
  • The Impact of John Dewy

    The Impact of John Dewy
    John Dewey's idea was 'learning by doing', the hands on approach. He believed that things are best learned when immersing yourself with your hands. He also believed that teachers where 'the guide on the side'. That the student drives their own ideas with the teacher there to guide them and not tell.
  • Brown -vs- Board of Education 1954

    Brown -vs- Board of Education 1954
    in Topeka, Kansas NAACP voted that 13 African American Children would try to register to white children schools. Reverend Oliver Brown, one of the fathers of a chosen child, took his daughter Lydia and got rejected at each school. Thurgood Marshall took Browns case to the Supreme court and the Browns won. Equal facilities were given to all children in America.
  • Sputnik and NDEA

    The Soviet Union successfully launched the first satellite orbit in 1957, shocking the United States and showing them their technological disadvantages. These lapses in technology where blamed on the Education system that was being run in the US and the National Defense of Education Act was created, aiming to better the Mathematics, Science and Foreign Languages that was being taught as the time.
  • The Civil Rights Movement and War on Poverty 1965

    The Civil Rights Movement and War on Poverty 1965
    President Johnson wanted to give an equal chance at education and an equal chance at life. He focused on the poverty in America and their chance in life and bettering it through Education. The Act banned discrimination of race and caused schools to loose Federal Funds if they didn't comply and to gain funds if they did.
  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act

    This Act goes along with Johnson's War on Poverty. It primarily funds primary and secondary education emphasized on standards and accountability. The law has been reauthorized every five years since enactment.
  • Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act

    Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act
    IDEA is the act the supports special education and related services for students with disabilities. This law prepares these children for a life of employment and independent living. Before this law the handcapped people had been ingored and not prepared for a productive life.
  • The Standards Movement

    This movement required clear, measurable standards for every school and their students.
  • No Child Left Behind 2001

    The No Child Left Behind Act was an update of the ESEA passed by President George W. Bush. This updated policy held schools accountable for their students learning, which was shown through the students test results. The schools view point changed a little at this point causing stress on teachers and getting students to pass tests.