Education in the Colonial Period
Schools in the Colonial Period had a heavy emphasis with church. Only familes with money sent their children onto colleges. -
Northwest Land Ordinance
During this part of history people had to pay taxes for an education. Even though taxes had to be paid students who previously couldn't afford an education were then able to attend school. -
Common Schools
Common Schools were designed by Horace Mann. Some Common Schools were taught with a heavy influence from the Protestant Church. -
Population Growth and Immiration in the 19th Century
With the increased numbers of diverse immigrants there came many difficulties. One of the difficulties was a language barrier between the many cultures. -
The Impact of Horace Mann
Horace Mann was a big impact Common Schools. Because of him and his common schools students accross the country are able to attend school. -
Secondary School Movement
This movement was mainly in 1875 but started before the Civil War. Schools started teaching their student "real life" material instead of material to prepare them for college alone. -
Committee of Ten
This committee decided it would be a good idea to introduce a basic knowledge of things to students at an early age. Particularly students with plans to attend college. -
The Impact of John Dewey
John Dewey is the father of the Progressive Reform Movement. He encouraged children to become educated. -
The Impact of WWII
The education system in the United States during WWII was impacted a lot. Teachers left to help with war efforts and many students lost the help from their teachers because of it. -
Brown vs. Board of Education
Brown vs. Board of EducationMOST IMPORTANT
This event was so important because it overturned the ruling in the Plessy vs. Ferguson case. Through this case segregated schools were made unconsitituitional. There were still problems after this case but it paved the way to all schools being equal. -
Sputnik and NDEA
Sputnik was launched by the Russians in 1957. This causeed the United States to want to impove their education system. The NDEA gave schools funding throughout this time period. -
Elementary and Secondary Education Act
This act made sure funds were given to students with need. It also prevented school from getting funding if the requirements of this act were not met. -
Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act
This is a law that makes sure students with disabilities recieve the help the need. It also allows them to attend general education schools. Before this law was passed students with disabilites were not able to attend general education schools. -
A Nation at Risk Report
A Nation at Risk Report
MOST IMORTANT Our country was declared a nation at risk due to our education program. Ronald Reagan pushed schools to succeed through competition. This competition caused parents to start putting their students in the top schools. -
No Child Left Behind
No Child Left BehindMOST IMPORTANT
This bill was proposed by President George W. Bush in 2001. In 2015 this bill was repealed by President Barack Obama. This was the idea that no child would be left behind in school and their would be efforts made to help that child succeed.