History of Education

  • First Public School Opened

    In 1635 the first public school opened the colonies. This school was only opened to white men. This is a significant event because it made the literacy rate improve by allowing rich and poor children to receive an education.
  • Harvard Opens

    One of the most known Ivy League Colleges, Harvard University, opened being the first one in America. This is significant because many other colleges opened in other colonies and the schools began to compete with one another. The competition is good because it caused the education system to improve greatly.
  • Compulsory Education Law

    Massachusetts Bay Colony passes the Compulsory Education Law, requiring parents teach their children how to read. This is a significant event because literacy is the first step to education and many more people were able to become educated after to this law was put in place.
  • Evening School

    Because child labor laws were not invented for many years after 1661, evening school was created for students who had to work during the day so they could learn at night. This is significant because like many other events, this allowed children to get an education and work which benefits society.
  • Advancements in Science

    Scientists discovered that the sun was on the center of the universe and this was implemented in schools 1687. This is significant because it catapulted major scientific improvements and caused a surge in curiosity and education.
  • Girls Only

    In 1727 the first girls only catholic school was made. This is significant because women were finally allowed to get a base level education.
  • Slavery Laws

    In 1740 it became illegal to actually teach a slave anything that can be taught in schools. This is significant because it shows the discrimination that they faced and the fact that the system made it to where they couldn't progress in life. This is also significant because it actually put a delay in education and literacy rates.
  • Boys and Girls

    Integrated boys and girls schools became a common thing after the first school opened up in 1743. This is significant because it lead the way for integrated gender and racial education in the United States. This helps the literacy rate of the nation improve by ensuring that the students are getting the same education.
  • Libraries

    The first library open to anyone with any economical status opened in 1767. This is a significant event because libraries are essential to education as they hold many books and information needed to further an education.
  • Free Schools

    Education wasn't made free unless you were underprivileged, black, or a woman. Meaning they had separate lower funded schools for these people. This is important because even though they are undermanned and underfunded they still provided a basis for improvement and education.
  • Deaf Schools

    The first deaf school in America opened in 1817. This is an insanely important event because the school was dedicated to deaf people who needed to extra assistance in getting their education.
  • Enrollment Tests

    Enrollment tests became a large thing once schools in Boston became over crowded. Children needed to be tested in order to be enrolled in the school. The importance of this event is that students were denied an education based on their standing level of intelligence. This pushed back the education system significantly.
  • Women in Colleges

    Women were not accepted into higher education facilities up until the Ohio Oberlin College accepted them. Women were now able to achieve a higher education which would make them more capable for independence.
  • Women in Teaching

    Up until 1840, men were the only people able to hold teaching jobs. This changed when women took over the teaching industry after being able to pursue an education that would certify them for the job. This is important because the industry was being diversified.
  • Complete Free Education

    States became required to provide free elementary schools, teaching from ages 5 to 15. This is important because it mandated that everywhere should have free education programs.
  • Low Graduation Rates

    Only 11% of students got past elementary school. This is very important because it shows that the system still had many problems to work through.
  • Transportation

    Schools were required to provide transportation to all students. This allows students to be able to get to school on time and get home on time.
  • Great Depression

    The Great Depression forced many schools to foreclose because the government funding went away. The significance of this is that students no longer had a place to learn.
  • Desegreated

    During the civil rights moment schools became desegregated and students of all races could learn in the same facilities. Students are now able to get the same education no matter what race they are.
  • Online School

    With the advancement in technology came options. The University of Phoenix became the first American school to offer online courses in a college. This is important because it shows the advancement of our society and gave students a more flexible schedule.