First public school in 13 colonies, the Boston Latin School, opens.
Harvard College is established.
The first higher education institution opens in Newtowne, Massachusetts.
http://www.eds-resources.com/educationhistorytimeline.html -
The first printing press in the Colonies is set up.
Set up at Harvard College.
http://www.eds-resources.com/educationhistorytimeline.html -
First public library opens
Opens in Charles Town, South Carolina. Two years later, the General Assembly of South Carolina passes the first public library law.
http://www.eds-resources.com/educationhistorytimeline.html -
The Youth Ladies Academy Opens
Opens in Philadelphia and is the first academy for girl in the colonies. -
Period: to
Common Schools Emerged
One teacher taught students of all ages in the same room. Students had to pay to attend. https://www.americanboard.org/blog/11-facts-about-the-history-of-education-in-america/ -
Modern blackboard is created
Invented by James Pillans
http://www.eds-resources.com/educationhistorytimeline.html -
Connecticut Asylum at Hartford for the Instruction of Deaf and Dumb Persons Opens
It is the first permanent school for the deaf in the United States.
http://www.eds-resources.com/educationhistorytimeline.html -
Elizabeth Blackwell Graduates
Graduating from Geneva Medical College, she was the first woman to graduate from medical school. -
Lantern slides were introduced
Department of Education is Established
Was created to create effective school systems throughout the states.
http://www.eds-resources.com/educationhistorytimeline.html -
First Indian Boarding School Opens
Opened in Carlisle, Pennsylvania with the goal of assimilating Indian children into mainstream culture. Now seen as controversial, creating alienation and "cultural dislocation"
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First Practical Fountain Pen is patented
Patented by Lewis Waterman
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Every state required student to complete elementary school.
In 1900, only 30 states had compulsory school for students aged 8-14.
https://www.americanboard.org/blog/11-facts-about-the-history-of-education-in-america/ -
All states have laws providing funds for school transportation.
BBC begins broadcasting educational radio programs for schools.
Progressive Education Movement becomes widespread.
Founded by John Dewey, this movement that began in the 1800s promoted the idea that schooling educates children to achieve and be active in a democratic society.
https://www.americanboard.org/blog/11-facts-about-the-history-of-education-in-america/ -
Ballpoint pen is patented
By Laszlo and Georg Biro
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Brown vs. Board Supreme Court Ruling
Segregated public schools were ruled unconstitutional.
https://www.americanboard.org/blog/11-facts-about-the-history-of-education-in-america/ -
The ACT Test is first administered
Period: to
Racially segregated school systems still existed.
Despite Brown vs. Board ruling, segregation still existed in the education system until the 1970s.
https://www.americanboard.org/blog/11-facts-about-the-history-of-education-in-america/ -
ARPANET is created
Created by the Defense Department and the precursor to the internet, sent its first message.
http://www.eds-resources.com/educationhistorytimeline.html -
E-Book is created
Created by Michael Hart, founder of Project Guttenberg
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TI-2500 Data Math introduced
First of Texas Instruments line of hand-held calculators
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Apple II is Introduced
One of the first successful personal computers, by Apple Computer
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IBM introduces the Model 5150
Computers can now communicate with eachother
Tim Berners-Lee writes the first web client-server protocol.
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Teach for America is Formed
Reestablishing the idea of a National Teachers Corps.
http://www.eds-resources.com/educationhistorytimeline.html -
SmartBoard is introduced
First interactive white board.
http://www.eds-resources.com/educationhistorytimeline.html -
CompuHigh Whitmorte is founded.
Claimed to be the first online high school -
Period: to
Whiteboards move into the Classroom
Begin to replace the blackboard
http://www.eds-resources.com/educationhistorytimeline.html -
No Child Left Behind Law
Education enters into an era of accountability and reform.
https://www.americanboard.org/blog/11-facts-about-the-history-of-education-in-america/ -
The Individuals with Disabilities Improvement Act (IDEA 2004) modifies IDEA
Includes modification in the IEP process and RTI approach.
http://www.eds-resources.com/educationhistorytimeline.html -
Common Core State Standards Initiative is launched
Minority Students enrolled in K-12 public school classrooms outnumber Hispanic Caucasians.