Thomas Jefferson proposes Bill for the More General Diffusion of Knowledge.
George Washington proposes National University
William Godwin declares public schools a form of political tyranny.
Johann Fichte advocates teaching patriotism to maintain the national state.
Emma Willard promotes the feminization of the teaching force.
Emma Willare expresses her ideas about the feminization and professional training of the teaching force. -
Period: to
Teaching common moral and political values, and equality of opportunity were the goals of teaching during that time.
Harace Mann becomes Secretary of Massachusetts Board of Education.
Horace Mann supports teacher training institutions called Normal Schools.
A Normal School is a teacher's college. -
The Boston Board of Education urges the hiring of female teachers.
The reasoning behind this was that women never look forward to a period of legal emmacipation from parental control like men did. -
The National Education Association (NEA) was founded.
First public school kindergarten is created to fight urban poverty.
Period: to
Public School Goals
Americanization of immigrants, training labor force for idustrialization, reforming urban areas, reforming family life and child care, providing food and medical care, anticommunism. -
Francis Bellamy composes Pledge of Allegiance.
Edward Ross declares public schools a form of "social control" and a substitute for family, community, and church.
Chicago Teachers Federation is formed because of the struggle by femaile grade-school teachers for an adequate pension law.
Only 4 states had centralized certification or licensing at the state level according to Willard S. Elsbree.
The teaching role begins to change.
The growth of urban centers and migration changed the role of teaching from a moral protector to a social welfare worker and a vocational trainer. Soon teachers would be fighting urban problems like crowding, drugs, crime, and poverty. This began to happen as the U.S. transformed from a rural to an industrialized nation in the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century. -
John Dewey suggests a new role for school.
At an annual National Education Association convention explained "education must provide a means for brininging people and their ideas and beliefs together, in such a way as will lessen friction and istability, and introduce deeper sympathyand wider understanding." Therefore, the new role of the shool would be to serve as an agency for providing social services and a service center. -
First Vocational Guidance establised Bureau.
Home Economics Association is founded to reform familes and cities.
Union locals from Chicago and Indiana meet and form the American Federation of Teachers (AFT)
Smith-Hughes Act supports vocational and home economics education.
National Education Association's "Cardinal Priciples of Education" provides plan for modern high school as central institution for socialization of youth
Period: to
The expansion of high schools.
The expansion of high schools created to control the youth problem and keep youth "out of" the labor market, life adjustment education. -
National Education Association recommends teaching sex education in schools to protect family and marriage.
42 states now have centalized certification or licensing at the state level according to Willard S. Elsbreee.
The professionalization of teaching continued with Normal Schools becoming college and university departments of education.
West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette
The U.S. Supreme Court rulled that expulsion from school of children of Jehovah's Witnesses for not saluting the flag was a violation of their constitutional right to freedom of religion. -
Fedral Government lauches Life-Adjustment Education Program.
Period: to
The public school reached for racial and cultural harmony.
Public school goals during this time were on racial and cultural harmony, War on Poverty, educating more scientists and engineers, equality of educational opportunity, and career education. -
National Defense Education Act
Federal government enlists schools in Cold War against the Soviet Union. -
Head Start begins as part of federal War on Poverty.
Elementary and Secondary Education Act
key War on poverty legislation. -
Tinker v. Des Moines Independant School District
The cas originated when a groupe of students decided to express their objections to the war in Vietnam by wearing black armbands. The school adopted a policy that states students wearing armbancds would be suspended. In the U.S. Supreme Court, clear recognition was given to the constitutional rights of the students. The court stated, "Under our Constitution, free speech is not a right that is given only to be so circumscribed that it exists in principle but not in fact." -
Career Education
Federal effort to make all education relevant to the workplace. -
Period: to
Goals of the public school system became community service, preparation for global economy, and control of learning through testing.
Board of Island Union Free School District v. Steven A. Pico
Involved using a political agenda to remove books from the school library by the local board of education. The Supreme court gave full recognition to the power of school boards to select books for the school library but recognized its obligation to make sure public schools do not suppress ideas just because they dont agree. The summary of the conclusion was that local school boards may not remove books from school library shevles simply because they dislike the ideas contained in those books..." -
President George H. Bush announces "Goals 2000"
Designed to link schools to global economy. -
No Child Left Behind federal legislation.
Common Core Standards are adopted by the National Governers Association and is an example of political determinaton.