1st School
The first public school was opened and it was called the Boston Latin School. It remains the oldest public school in the United States. -
Original Education
The schooling was originally for boys and to education them in religion and family and not the basic subjects we learn of today. This was the primary thought basis that only boys could do the schooling. -
Enter Women
The first girls school was entered in 1727. This school was in New Orleans and meant to educate wealthy girls as directed by King Louis XV. -
Prussian Model
This is where we they were linked into age groups and education became free. More like the education we have now.
[https://www.americanboard.org/blog/11-facts-about-the-history-of-education-in-america/] -
Starting in 1827 when it was passed that all public schools should be free, the issue of slavery in the south was prohibiting children in slavery to getting a free education. There were up to 5% who were figuring out a way to get the provided education.
[https://www.raceforward.org/research/reports/historical-timeline-public-education-us] -
Department of Education
The department of Education was created to aide in making school systems more efficient. -
Committee of 10
There was a committee of 10 men that were asked to come together to make some decision on the education system. This committee is what decided there were going to be 12 years in school and what the main topics and goals would be for the those 12 years. -
Elementary School
By 1918 every state had requirements that all children should complete elementary school. -
The Bilingual Education Act
This was Title VII and replaced by No child left behind act to make sure that all children were given the opportunity for schooling.
[https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=video+no+child+left+beind+act&view=detail&mid=E048CE3FAC86CF58782FE048CE3FAC86CF58782F&FORM=VIRE] -
Present Day
From the 1990's to the present day the largest change in our school system is the rise of the internet to help individual based learning, a learn at your own pace learning style to aide in helping children.