History of Education

  • Common Schools Movement

    Common Schools Movement
    The common schools movement was a movement that funded schools. Every community would pay with public dollars. The movement was started by a man named, Horace Mann. He was selected the secretary of the newly founded Massachusetts Board of Education in 1837.
  • Pennsylvania training

    Pennsylvania training
    Elwyn, a Pennsylvania training school was the first to open up for disabled children. It was founded in 1852 for the Idiotic and feeble-minded children.
  • Plessy V Ferguson

    Plessy V Ferguson
    Plessy V Ferguson was a decision made by the U.S. Supreme Court. It was racial segregation laws that helped them be more equal in quality. This decision was help to make the blacks and whites separate but equal.
  • First Junior High Schools

    First Junior High Schools
    Columbus Ohio School Board authorizes the creation of junior high school. High school graduation rates needed to be improved and this was a solution. Indianola Junior High School was the first to open in 1909.
  • Women and Teaching

    Women and Teaching
    In 1930 women were finally climbing up to be apart of teaching. This is important, because it shows women are capable of teaching and nowadays we have more women teachers than males. They are now looked up upon rather than down.
  • ACT

    The ACT was first created in 1959 by the University of Iowa professor Everett Franklin Lindquist. The ACT is important, because it shows Universities your readiness for college and helps make a decision for your future.
  • The Elementary and Secondary Education Act

    The Elementary and Secondary Education Act
    This act was created in 1965. It focused more on the children who needed the help. ESEA gave free lunches to those in need, and gave greater attention to special education.
  • Bilingual Education

    Bilingual Education
    In 1975 the The National Association of Bilingual Education was founded. It is important, because it helps work with bilingual and multilingual students in a global society.
  • Technology

    The first SMART board was created in 1991. I believe that technology is mostly a good thing to have in education. Ever since we got technology it has been a lot easier way of doing things. School has changed a lot since technology came along.
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    No Child Left Behind Act
    No Child Left Behind Act is a very important act created in 2002. It tests standards that students must reach. It is suppose to help students reach the goals of advanced students.