Education Act
Entitles all children to free, compoulsory education ages 5-15. -
Period: to
History of Education
School leaving age rose to 15
General Certificte of Education was introduced
Education Act- introduction of three-tier schooling system
Introduction of CSE in England and Wales
Plowden report- main themes included individual learning and flexibility in the curriculum
Prime Minister Callaghans speech at Ruskin University- suggested that the education system was out of touch with the needs of the economy
Waddell Report- recommended a single exam at age 16 to replace CSE and O-Level
Cockroft report
GCSEs replaced CSE and O-Level
Education reform Act- took power from LEAs and gave them all to the secretary of state. It required schools to follow a National Curriculum, league tables were introduced and assessment in key subjects at three key stages was introduced
Started at Hodnet Primary School
Education (schools) act-introduction of OFSTED
Dearing review of National Curriculum
Started The Grove School, Market Drayton
Education (student loans) act- extended the provision of student loans
Introduction of 'specialist colleges'. First mention of a network of city-academies.
AS-Levels introduced
Started Grove College, Market Drayton
First three city academies opened
Started New College, Telford as a part-tme student
Building schools for the future project
2004 Children Act- Every Child Matters
14-19 Curriculum and Qualifications Reform
Began studying with The Open University
Education and Skills Act- raised education leaving age to 18
Began PGCE Secondary Mathematics at University of Wolverhampton