Period: to
History of Education 1820-1880
First Public High School Opens
Boston Public High School, Boston MA
770 students. Many "common" students in Boston were able to enter what was known as "higher education" in this time period. -
Hartford, CT Private Women's school
Women were seldom educated in this time period. The Hartford Women's school provided private education to wealthy women where they learned ettiquite, and social skills along with simple literacy and minor mathematic skills. -
Massatuchusetts law teacher per 500 families
MA starts educational reforms including a requirement of a teacher for every 500 families. This law gives other states ideas to make similar reforms. -
New England Asylum for the Blind
NE Asylum for the blind School allowed education for those with learning disablities. Showed the reformists beleif that every person deserved a public education. -
Textbooks Began McGuffrey's Readers
McGuffrey's readers taught citizenship, ettiquite and what it is to be an American. -
Louiville, Kentucky hires first superentindent
Showing that schooling across states was becoming more centralized with similar curriculum and ideals. -
Higher Institutions for African Americans Cheyney, PA
African Americans are offered segregated higher education in the North. -
Teacher's College opens Lexington, MA
Teachers are held to higher standards when a teachers college opens in Lexington. Employers are now looking for highly qualified, well trained individuals. -
MA School Attendance Law
MA enacts a mandatory attendance law with the help of educational reformist Horace Mann. When MA makes this law other states do the same and soon the education law becomes national. -
Boston Public Library opens
The first public library to a mass area Boston Public Library opens in 1854 this allows an oppurtunity for older citizens to have materials to educate themselves. -
First Kindergarden Waterton, WI
The first kindergarden opens in Waterton, WI allowing for young children to begin literacy and education. -
NEA formed in PA
The National Education Accosiation is formed in PA. -
Civil War Begins
Civil war begins dividing the northern and southern states against each other. This related to education because of the social impact of who can and should be educated. -
Morril Grant Land Act
Land Grant colleges are given to the states. -
Slavery is Abolished
Slavery is abolished leading to freedom of African Americans to have a right to education. -
Department of Ed created
The first department of ed creates standards for teaching and teachers. -
Chris Scholes invents typewriter
The Scholes typewriter is distributed to the public expecially among schools in the northern states. -
2 mil fund for Ed in South
Dewey Decimal system
The dewey decimal system is created to categorize non fiction and refrence books in public libraries. -
Indian School Carlisle, PA
To continue to incorparate the diversity of the American people into education PA creates a school for Native Americans in Carlisle, PA.