History of eCommerce

  • Michael Aldrich

    Michael Aldrich
    Michael Aldrich pioneered online shopping when he connected a modified domestic television to a multi-user transaction processing computer.
  • Commercial Internet Use

    Commercial Internet Use
    Increased attention of internet technology has now led to its more commercial use, and is now being used beyond its means as a tool for research.
  • First Website Created by Tim Berners-Lee

    First Website Created by Tim Berners-Lee
    First web page goes live on the World Wide Web. This innovates online purchases for companies everywhere as they can now control where they sell their products online.
  • First Online Purchase

    First Online Purchase
    1994- Although Pizza Hut is often credited for the first online sale, the first item to be paid for electronically was actually a Sting record, Ten Summoner’s Tales to be exact, that had been protected by encryption technology.
  • Amazon

    Jeff Bezos founded Amazon, one of the first businesses to sell products over the internet, which was then launched in 1995.
  • Online Money Transfer Services

    Online Money Transfer Services
    Confinity, founded by Max Levchin, Ken Howery, Luke Nosek, and Peter Thiel, becomes the first online money transfer service. It is now known as PayPal.
  • Ebay API

    Ebay API
    Ebay programs their first Application Programming Interface (API) which allows customer even easier access to their products than their website.
  • Creation of Commercial Smartphones

    Creation of Commercial Smartphones
    Apple creates the first iPhone, the first commercial smartphone. It’s innovative interface and web browser accessibility allowed customers to shop online easily.
  • Mobile Payments

    Mobile Payments
    Apple Pay is launched, allowing business to take mobile payments from customers with an Apple smartphone. Transactions are now quicker, and safer.
  • Online Grocer Services

    Online Grocer Services
    Grocery stores such as Kroger are now offering online services that allow customers to shop without entering the store themselves.
  • Mobile Payment Projections

    Mobile Payment Projections
    2020- By evaluation recent trends, The TechCrunch Network projects 90% of smartphone owners to have made a mobile payment.
  • Internet User Projections

    Internet User Projections
    If following current patterns, there will be approximately 5 billion internet users by 2020.
  • Online Grocer Services Projection

    Online Grocer Services Projection
    Currently 34% of online shoppers suspect to make a purchase for groceries online. I predict by 2030, 30% of online shoppers will continuously buy groceries online.
  • Internet Accessibility Projections

    Internet Accessibility Projections
    The amount of internet users in the world is constantly fluctuating. Currently, only 46% of the world’s population has access to internet. I predict that by 2050 60% will have accessibility to the internet as well.