History of ECE

  • Period: 1917 BCE to 2005 BCE

    Urie Bronfenbrenner

    Urie believed that all five interrelating systems-microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, macrosystem, and chronosytem- have a powerful impact on development. He believed that all systems influenced eachother. He has influenced modern education by influencing parents and teachers to become aware of how environments and positive influences can a shape a child's life.
  • Period: 1902 BCE to 1994 BCE

    Erik Erikson

    Erikson believed that life is a series of eight stages. He believed each stage represents a critical period in social development. It was to his understanding that how parents and teachers care and interacts with children helps to determine their emotional and cognitive development. His influence on modern theorists is that of the belief that children need predictable, consistent love,care and education.
  • Period: 1870 BCE to 1952 BCE

    Maria Montessori

    Maria created the Montessori method in her name. She believed that children learn through sensory experiences. She also held the belief that prepared environments are essential for learning. She has influences through many preschools in today's world.
  • Period: 1771 BCE to 1858 BCE

    Robert Owen

    Owen taught that education could help build a new society. He believed education shaped children to be what society wanted them to become. His influence today to modern theorists is of the importance of infant programs.
  • Period: 1712 BCE to 1778 BCE

    Jean-Jacques Rousseau

    Rousseau advocated natural approaches throughout child rearing. He also believed that children's natures unfold with their maturation. He influenced many modern theorists on his natural approaches.
  • Period: 1632 BCE to 1704 BCE

    John Locke

    John Locke said children are born as blank tablets and their experiences shape who they are. He believed that education should be incorporated at an early age. He also believed that through rearing children you could get them to act as society wants them to.
  • Period: 1592 BCE to 1670 BCE

    John Comenius

    John Comenius wrote the first picture book for children.
    He thought early experiences formed what a child would be like.
    He has influenced modern theorists through his work studying Early Childhood. One way he has influenced theorists is his belief that teaching and learning starts with easy and progresses to difficult.
  • Period: 1483 BCE to 1546 BCE

    Martin Luther

    Luther advocated establishing schools to teach children how to read. He has a big influence on today's modern literacy. He believed in public support of education and universal education.