History of Ebola 1976-Present

  • Period: to


  • First Ebola Outbreak

    First Ebola Outbreak
    Ebola was first encountered in west africa ,Named after the Ebola after the Ebola River and infected in the following Country:Democratic Republic of Congo.Mostly infected countries lacking Infactual Resources.
  • Ebola Encountered in the US

    Ebola was first encounterd in the us in 1989 ,Whe a box of quarentined monkeys were impoted by the Philippines. They suddenly started acting sick and eventually died.The biologist were worried the monkeys had contracted something.Seven of the monkeys had the virus of ebola .At least four people were infected, although none of them suffered clinical illness.
  • Ebola in Gabon

    Unexplained Deaths were reported in in a gold kining camp in gabon and was thought to be yellow fever until 1995.hunters in Gabon fell ill with Ebola after they ate a dead chimpanzee infected with the virus.
  • Outbreak Of Ebola in Kitwit

    An outbreak occured in Kitwit occured on April 4th ,when a hostpital Laboratory ,When a Technichian had been vomiting blood and had bloody diarrhea . Then the tech had surgery for suspected infunctual bowels.
  • 2001 oubreak of Ebola

    Occurred over the border of Gabon and the Republic of the Congo between October 2001 and July 2002. , Uganda was declared officially to be free of Ebola hemorrhagic fever, following a 42-day period, twice the maximum incubation period, during which no new cases had been reported.
  • Ebola outbreak in Gabon and Demoratic Republic of Congo

    On May 6, 2002, the Gabonese Ministry of Health declared that the Ebola hemorrhagic fever outbreak in the Ogooué-Ivindo province had ended. CDC participated with the Gabonese and Congolese Ministries of Health.
  • Ebola Outbreak in South Sudan

    20 cases including 5 deaths from Ebola hemorrhagic fever were reported from Yambio County in southern Sudan. Was laboratory confirmed by CDC and the Kenya Medical Research Institute. CDC has confirmed that the virus is the Ebola-Sudan strain .One of three previously recognized Ebola virus strains known to cause human disease.
  • Ebola Outbreak in (DRC)

    On August 28, 2007, CDC was notified of cases of an unidentified disease in a remote area of Kasai Occidental Province in the Democratic Republic of Congo . Clinical samples were sent to the CDC Special Pathogens Branch laboratory for testing laboratory in Gabon.
  • Ebola Outbreak in Uganda

    On November 26, 2007, CDC received blood samples from the Uganda Ministry of Health, taken from 20 of the 49 patients involved in an outbreak of an unknown illness in Bundibugyo district in western Uganda. Patients reported fever, enteritis, and bleeding. Of the 49 patients, 14 died.
  • Ebola Outbreak in the Phillipines

    CDC received samples of pig tissues, the Foreign Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory on Plum Island, New York. The samples, originally collected from pig farms outside Manila, initially were tested at the Plum Island facility, which identified multiple swine pathogens ,Ebola
  • Fever Case In Uganda

    The Uganda Ministry of Health informed the public that a patient with suspected Ebola Hemorrhagic fever died May 6, 2011, in Luwero district, Uganda. CDC-Uganda confirmed a positive Ebola virus test result from a blood sample taken from the patient.
  • Oubreak in Uganda

    As of December 2, 2012, the Uganda Ministry of Health reported 7 cumulative cases (probable and confirmed) of Ebola virus infection, including 4 deaths, in the Luwero District of central Uganda. CDC assisted the Ministry of Health in the epidemiologic and diagnostic aspects of the outbreak
  • Ebola Present

    When an man that had Ebola from Africa came to texas to visit family. Also two nurses contracted the diesease ,they survived becasue they saw the diesease and caught it early.Approximately 1,850 cases with over 1,200 deaths have been documented since the Ebola virus was discovered.