History of Earth Timeline

  • 175

    Pangaea beings to breaakup

    Pangaea beings to breaakup
    It first started to break up during the middle Jurassic era and the last phase of the breakup was in the Cenozoic era.
  • 201

    Tirassic Mass Extinction

    Tirassic Mass Extinction
    One of Earths five major extinctions. thirty-four percent of marine genera went extinct. At least half of the living species on the Earth that we know of at the time went extinct
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    Permian Mass Extinction

    Permian Mass Extinction
    It isone of the five major extinctions, and it is also know as the great dying. It is Earth most severe dying event. ninty-six percent of marine life, fifty-seven percent of all families, and eighty-three percent or all genera went extinct.
  • 270

    Pangaea was formed

    Pangaea was formed
    It was a supercontintent formed durnig the late Paleozoic Era, and early Mesozic Era. It was the last supercontinent and it broke up about 175 million years ago.
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    Devonian Mass Extinction

    Devonian Mass Extinction
    One of the five major extinctions. nineteen percent of all families and fifty percent of all genera went extinct. It was a major loss to biodiversity.
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    Ordovician Mass Extinction

    Ordovician Mass Extinction
    It was the second largest of the five major mass extinctions. sixty percent of marine invertibre died. It lead to global cooling, and the fall of the sea level.
  • Jan 1, 1500

    First Eukaryotes on Earth

    First Eukaryotes on Earth
    It is not until after two billion years after bacteria is formed there are the first Eukryotes, so of the first that are know are the acritarchs fossils.
  • Jan 1, 1500

    First Homo Sapiens on Earth

    First Homo Sapiens on Earth
    the first species in the hominina family to leave Africa was the Homo Erectus, but one popoulation of Homo Erectus stayed in Africa and evolve into Homo Sapiens.
  • Cretaceous Mass Extinction

    Cretaceous Mass Extinction
    One of Earths five major extinctions. It was the last know major extinction that occured. The most prevelant theory of how this happend is from a giant comet

    Due to the way that i had to order the dates, this timeline appears backwords because this timeline creater does not support the very far past time. so for example the year 4600=4.6 billion years ago, or the year 300= 300 million years ago.
  • Oxygen enters Atmosphere

    Oxygen enters Atmosphere
    the isotopic ratio of sulfur transformed, making oxygen a major part of the earths atmosphere
  • First Multicelluar life

    First Multicelluar life
    one billion years after earthg was formed, the first multicelluar life appeared. The first multicelluar animal did not appear untill 600 million years ago
  • First forms of life on Earth

    First forms of life on Earth
    The first life started near deep sea hydrothermal vents, and the life form was not multicelluar, but it was like a bacteria. The first know organisim is the Microbial Mat.
  • Formation of Earth

    Formation of Earth
    the Eatth was formed by accretion from the solar nebula. It wasmostly volcanic gas and modern life was not supported.