History of Earth

  • 245


    Oxygen came into Earth during the precambrian/proterozoic time period in the year of 2.45 million years ago
  • 270


    Pangea Formed 270 million years ago, this was when the continents came together and stayed together for a period of time.
  • 380


    Earth was formed early in the precambrian/Archean time period in the year of 3800 million years ago.
  • Sep 5, 1000

    First Homo Sapiens

    First Homo Sapiens
    The first Homo sapiens appeared on earth 1 million years ago, making humans the first to walk on earth and become the first to build a population
  • Feb 28, 1500

    First eukaryotes

    First eukaryotes
    The first eukaryotes appeared 1.5 million years ago, making them take over the Earth land.
  • Pangea breaks up

    Pangea breaks up
    Pangea broke apart in the 3 millions, causing the continents to break apart into seven.
  • First Forms of life

    First Forms of life
    The First form of life came during the middle precambrian/archean period of the year of 3.5 million years ago
  • First multicellular life

    First multicellular life
    Multicellular organisms apperared on earth 600 million years ago, making life to appear.
  • 5 mass extinctions

    5 mass extinctions
    The 5 mass extinctions wiped out most of Earth's life, causing for life on Earth to vanish, Animals and Plants vanished to stop photosynthesis to give out food and glucose. This happened 66 million years ago