History of Earth

  • 13 BCE

    First Homo Sapien

    First Homo Sapien
    195000 years ago the first homo sapien lived on the Earth
  • 12 BCE

    Late Devonation Extinction

    Late Devonation Extinction
    65 million years ago the late devonation period became extinct
  • 11 BCE

    Triassic Extinction

    Triassic Extinction
    195 million years ago the triassic period became extinct
  • 10 BCE

    Pangea Breaks Apart

    Pangea Breaks Apart
    200 million years ago Pangea broke apart creating all the seperate continents
  • 9 BCE

    Jurassic Extinction

    Jurassic Extinction
    251 million years ago the jurassic period became extinct
  • 8 BCE

    First Life

    First Life
    320 million years ago the first life lived on the Earth
  • 7 BCE

    Pangea Forms

    Pangea Forms
    270 million years ago the land form known as Pangea formed. It was all the continents connected
  • 6 BCE

    Permian Extinction

    Permian Extinction
    364 million years ago the permian period became extinct
  • 5 BCE

    Ordovician Extinction

    Ordovician Extinction
    439 million years ago the Ordovician period became extinct
  • 4 BCE

    First Multicellular Organisms

    First Multicellular Organisms
    600 million years ago the first multicellular organisms lived on the Earth
  • 3 BCE

    First Eukaryotes

    First Eukaryotes
    3800000000 million years ago the first eukaryotes lived on the Earth
  • 2 BCE

    Oxygen Enters the Atmosphere

    Oxygen Enters the Atmosphere
    3.5 billion years ago oxygen first entered the atmosphere
  • 1 BCE

    Earth is Formed

    Earth is Formed
    4600000000 million years ago the Earth is first formed.