History of Drug Use and Drug Legislation By Amber Dent

  • Coca Plant

    Coca Plant
    • active ingredient in cocaine -extracts and plants are illegal in the US
  • Patent Medicines

    A patent medicine, also known as a nostrum is a commercial product advertised as a over-the-counter medicine, without regard to its effectiveness.
  • Pure Food and Drug Act

    Pure Food and Drug Act
    -bill introduced in congress to accomplish national food and drug regulation
    -required medicines to list certain drugs and their amounts, including alcohol and opiates
    -the exposure of the Chicago meat industry and its unsanitary and unsafe conditions helped lead to the passing of the bill
  • Sinclairs the Jungle

    • this was the novel that was written to be attention to the corrupt meat industry amongst a few other things -sinclair was known for exposing corruption
  • Harrison Act

    Harrison Act
    • federal law that regulated and taxed the production, importation, and distribution of opiates and coca products
  • Period: to


    • nationwide constitutional ban on the production, importation, transportation, and sale of alcoholic beverages -21st amendment ended prohibition
  • Marijuana

    -comes from a cannabis plant
    -illegal drug in most states
    -often used for medical purposes
  • Drug Rehabilitation Programs

    -pretty man commission, relaxation of mandatory prison time to rehabilitate
    -civil commitment program
    -Narcotic Addict Rehabilitation Act
  • Period: to

    Ronald Reagan

    -advocated tax rate deduction
    -reduced inflation in economy
    -spurred war on drugs to stop illegal drugs from being sold
  • Crack Cocaine

    Crack Cocaine
    -1922- congress officially defined cocaine as a narcotic
    -1930-1960's limited demand for cocaine
    -cocaine use was associated with deviants
    -crack is a form of cocaine that is smoked
  • Drug policies racial and ethnic groups

    -anti drug use act
    -goal was to create a drug free America
    -national drug controlpolicy
  • 1990's

    -prison overcrowded
    -mandatory 5 year minimums for crack
    --rise in methamphetamines -heroin made a comeback