Descartes discovers that our dreams are so real that our senses may be illusory
Discovered Circadian Rhythm in plants
Frederick van Eden coins the term "lucid dreaming"
Freud states dreams represent repressed memories, fears, and desires
Jung says dreams are spiritual expression of the unconcious mind
First human EEG
Link REM sleep and dreaming
Describe repeating cycle of sleep
Set world record for tsleep deprivation and no stimulants as 11 days
Lucid dreaming accounted as a unique state of consciousness
Proves existence of lucid dreaming through eye movements
Dreams are random frings in the brainstem
Expirement validates conscious dreaming
Total sleep deprivation results in the death a rat between 2-3 weeks
Published book about sleeps effects on learning and memory
Neurological Labrator shows lucid dreams generating highly active GAMMA rays
Scientists at the Max Planck Institute use MRI to record in-dream action of lucid dreamers.