History Of Drawing by Joshua Osuna

  • Jan 1, 1000

    Pre Historic

    Pre Historic
    People drew since the beggining of time, the earliest know was back to 30,000 - 10,000 BCE. Drawings on caves were found across the world
  • Jan 17, 1100

    Ancient Egypt

    Ancient Egypt
    Early Egyptians decorated there walls and temples with daily life hieroglyphics and they drew religous things like there gods. They also used paper like material to draw on called papyrus.
  • Feb 17, 1100

    Ancient Greece

    Ancient Greece
    Ancient Greeks drew on many things including vases and other pottery. Alot of drawings were scences of battles and myths
  • Mar 17, 1100

    middle ages

    middle ages
    IN 400-1400 CE drawings were made mostly for religous messages and stories.
  • Nov 17, 1100


    During this time art was very popular and drawing became the foundation of most art work.
  • Baroque Period

    Baroque Period
    New styles were coming up, water color and ink washes were used, open composition made art pop out of the canvas.
  • 1800 and 1900

    Pencils were made and drawing became easier, People captured everyday scences like dancers, animals with the new tool.
  • Period: to

    history of drawing

    drawing wasin every lifetime
  • Present

    Now art has advanced way than before. People can draw on there computer, theres tablets and more to mdraw or make art on. Technology made art easier and more fun.