
History of Drawing by David Pacheco

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    Pre-historic Times

    Pre-historic Times
    People have been drawing since the beginning if human history. some of the earliest drawings go back to 10,000 BCE, and were found in cave walls.
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    Ancient Egypt 3,000 BC

    Ancient Egypt 3,000 BC
    Early egyptians decorated walls of their temples and tombs by carving scenes of their daily life, hieroglyphics, and religious deities, or gods, as early as 3,000 BC.;
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    Ancient Greece, 2900-2000 BC

    Ancient Greece, 2900-2000 BC
    The ancient greeks also have several lasting artfifacts of their drawings. The vases and drawings that were drawn or painted by ancient greeks show their graceful, decorative use if drawing.
    The greeks used drawing to show scenes of battles and myths.
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    The Middle Ages from 400-1400 CE

    The Middle Ages from 400-1400 CE
    Back during this time, drawings were used to express religious messages and stories from the Bible. This was way before paper was even invented!
  • Jan 1, 1300

    The Renaissance period 1300-1700

    The Renaissance period 1300-1700
    This is the time where drawing began to take the form that we recognize today. In Italy, drawing becaume recognized as a respectable art form because of the use of paper. It became the fondation of all art work. It also became important to scientists to record their learning about the physical world.
    New drawing materials were created during that time, like chalk and charcoal.
  • Baroque Period. During the 1600s-1700s

    Baroque Period. During the 1600s-1700s
    This is the time a new style of drawing came around that included flowing lines and artists began using watercolor and ink washes.
  • 1800s-1900s

    This is the time that pencils were invented or manufactured, and they quicly became the most preffered drawing tools.