First description of sugar in the urine.
Jan 1, 1200
1200- Early diagnoses made by "water tasters". Mellitus added to the term diabetes, Latin for honey.
Difference between Diabetes 1 Diabetes 2 identified
First high fat, high protein diet introduced to individual with high sugar in urine.
First chemical test identifying sugar in the urine developed. Does away with "water tasters"
Link between glycogen and diabetic sugars discovered.
Langerhans identifies two types of cells in the pancrease. Cells that produce pancreatic fluid and other cells unknown.
The name insulin is used for the unknown pancreatic substance.
Function of insulin discovered. A dog with no pancrease is successfully treated.
Insulin to treat a human is first accomplishe on a 14-year-old boy. Considered a success.
Eli Lilly and University of Toronto finalize a deal to mass produce insulin in North America
Insulin syringe is introduced to help manage diabetes
Diabetes 1(insulin-dependent) and Diabetes 2(non-insulin dependent) distinguished
Insulin pumps are introduced.
The first biosynthetic insulin is produced.
The first insulin delivery pen is introduced.