History of Design

  • 15,000 BCE

    Lascaux Caves

    Lascaux Caves
    Earliest form of art, and first use of pictures to convey meaning.
  • 105

    Ts’ai Lun

    Ts’ai Lun
    Invented modern paper.
  • 1450

    Johannes Gutenberg & The Printing Press

    Johannes Gutenberg & The Printing Press
    Allowed for the mass production of books and manuscripts.
  • Victorian

    People began to decorate their homes with art.
  • Chromolithography

    First method of colored printing. Allowed for colored designs to be printed.
  • Arts & Crafts Movement

    Arts & Crafts Movement
    Combined fine art and crafts and pushed for them to be considered the same level.
  • Art Nouveau

    Art Nouveau
    Very ornamental and decorative art. It is found extensively in architecture.
  • Futurism

    A very geometric style of design. Focused on the future and giving designs lots of energy.
  • Vienna Workshop

    Vienna Workshop
    Colorful and cartoonish art style Thant encouraged artist to let their designs be free.
  • Early Modern

    Early Modern
    Subjective art with conservative values that encouraged artist to explore new areas of design.
  • Heroic Realism

    Heroic Realism
    Art made to create morale and patriotism which was very realistic and caused a movement towards more realistic art.
  • Bauhaus

    A very balanced style that tried to combine fine arts and crafts. Created very minimalistic but effective art and designs often found in architecture.
  • Constructivism

    Russian movement that reflected on modern industrialization.
  • Art Deco

    Art Deco
    A change to modernism to make it more fashionable featuring lots of bright colors and symmetry.
  • Swiss

    A style that focused most on using images to create art instead of illustration.
  • Jackson Pollock

    Jackson Pollock
    Created incredible drip paintings and helped to create abstract expressionism.
  • Late Modern

    Late Modern
    A change to modernism that focused on idealistic and theoretical natures.
  • Paul Rand

    Paul Rand
    Created and designed many famous logo and his principles for designing them are still used today.
  • Pop Art

    Pop Art
    Art featuring vibrant and unique designs meant to appeal to the youth
  • Leroy Winbush

    Leroy Winbush
    An African American artist who used his abilities to promote equality.
  • Psychedelic

    Very overwhelming and colorful art with an emphasis on making the art free.
  • Post Modern

    Post Modern
    A contemporary art style that used subjectivism and relativism. Many styles have roots in the post modern style
  • Grunge

    Art that is meant to look incomplete and unfinished. It was used in lots of album covers and created a completely knew style.
  • Flat

    A style with clear designs that is meant to look flat having no3D affects.
  • Cinemagraph

    A new style of design that uses video and moving images like GIFs.