History of Democratic Party

  • Democrats Beliefs

    Democrats believe all people should be able to pursue their goals to spite their religion, race, ethnic background or sexual orientation. In the sixties, Democrats fought for civil rights, but still isnt over tll this day.
  • Summary

    The Democratic party is the oldest political party in the United States. The Democratic party has supported organized labour, ethnic minorities and progressive reform. The logo of the Democratic party (the donkey) was popularized by a cartoonist Thomas Nast in the 1800's.
  • Why was the party formed?

    The party was formed to fight against the Federalist Party for the Bill of Rights.The party opposed Federalist policies such as high tariffs, a navy, military spending, a national debt, and a national bank. After the defeat of the United States in the War of 1812, the party became split on those issues.
  • First Party System

    The first party system lasted between 1796 till about 1816. The first party system consited of two national parties the Federalist party and the Democratic-Republican party. These two parties competed for control of the presidency.
  • Dominant Party

    In 1824 the electoral vote was split between Andrew Jackson, John Quincy Adams, William H. Crawford, and Henry Clay. Jackson was elected in 1828 and in 1832 when his followers held the first national convention of the Democratic party.
  • Who founded the Democratic Party?

    The Democratic Party was founded by James Madison and Thomas Jefferson. The Democratic party was generally called the Democratic-Republican party untill it split into two seperate groups.They supported a weaker national government restricted in its powers by a narrow reading of the Constitution.They feared that federal intervention in the economy would benefit only a few wealthy northeasterners, and they believed that agriculture, not manufacturing, should remain the country's economic base
  • First Convention

    In 1832 in Baltimore, Maryland, at one of the country’s first national political conventions the first convention had been held the previous year by the Anti-Masonic Movement, the Democrats nominated Jackson for president.
  • Democratic NAtional Comittee

    The Democratic National Committee was first set up in 1848 to organize Democratic campaign activities, to support and coordinate Democratic candidates to raise funds and promote election strategies.
  • The Democratic party in the Civil war

    The Democrats faced to obstacles during the civil war, the licoln government supressed their anti-war opinions and they were divided amongest themselves.When the Civil War began in April,Democrats who mostly supported President Abraham Lincoln's war efforts, and the anti-war Peace Democrats or Copperheads.
  • Second Party System

    The second party system stared in the year of 1828 and lasted till 1854.
  • Democratic Party is unable to stop President Lincoln

    In 1860 the Democrats were unable to stop the election of Republican Abraham Lincoln, even as they feared his election would lead to the Civil War. The party split in two, with the nomination of Fredrick Douglas.
  • Democrats regain Presendency

    The Democrats regained the presidency in 1912 under Woodrow Wilson, only because the candidacy of Theodore Roosevelt on the Progressive party ticket diminished the Republican vote.
  • Woodrow Wilson

    In 1912, Woodrow Wilson became the first Democratic president of the 20th Century. Wilson led the country through World War I, fought for the League of Nations, established the Federal Reserve Board, and passed the first labor and child welfare laws
  • Democratic new Deal

    Franklin Roosevelt was elected president running on the promise of a New Deal. Roosevelt pulled America out of the Depression by looking beyond the Democratic base and energizing citizens around the belief that their government could actively assist them in times of need.
  • Controlling the White House

    In 1998, Democrats became the first party controlling the White House to gain seats in Congress during the sixth year of a president's term since 1822
  • Bush vs. Kerry

    The presidential election between George Bush and John Kerry took place November 2, 2004. It was the 55th presidential election as Bush was running for the Republican party and Kerry running for the Democratic party. In the final result Bush came out with the most votes.
  • Health Reform

    President Obama and Democrats passed comprehensive health reform into law in March 2010. The Affordable Care Act will hold insurance companies accountable, lower costs, expand coverage, and improve care for all Americans.
  • Tax Reform

    President Obama and Democrats in Congress cut taxes for every working family, putting more money in the pockets of Americans who need it most. A typical family has saved $3,600 during his first term. Now he's fighting to stop middle class families and those aspiring to join the middle class from seeing their taxes go up and to extend key tax relief for working families and those paying for college, while asking the wealthiest and corporations to pay their fair share.
  • Democratic party on Immigration

    Protecting the immigrants from expoliotation from employers, President Obama and the Democrats fought for the DREAM Act, legislation ensuring that young people who want to contribute fully to our society and serve our country are able to become legal residents and ultimately citizens.
  • Obama & Romney Debate

    The debate took place in Dever Colorado at 9pm it lasted about an hour and a half. The topic was Domestic policies. The participants of this years debate was President Barack Obama and Gov. Mitt Romney.