History of ADHD

  • ADHD considered behavioral

    ADHD considered behavioral
    Sir George Still described a group of children who were disobedient, emotional, and uninhibited and blamed it on biology.
  • Benzedrine

    Charles Bradley intoduced Benzedrine as a medicine that reduced the symptoms of ADHD
  • Brain misfunction

    Brain misfunction
    ADHD was still considered to be caused by minimal brain damage or misfunction
  • Ritalin

    Ritalin was approved by the FDA as a treatment for ADHD
  • Introduced into Diagnostic and Statistical Maunal of Mental Disorders (DSM)

    Introduced into Diagnostic and Statistical Maunal of Mental Disorders (DSM)
    ADHD was introduced into the second edition of the DSM as hyperkinetic impulse disorder.
  • New name

    New name
    The third edition of DSM was released along with a new name, now know as Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
  • Final Name

    Final Name
    A revised verison of DSM-III was released were they changed the name from ADD with hyperactivity to Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • Second Drug Introduced

    Second Drug Introduced
    Adderall was introduced as the second drug to treat ADHD approved by the FDA
  • Percentage in Children

    Percentage in Children
    Approxiamtely 4.4 million children U.S. children aged 4-17 were diagnosed with ADHD.