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History of Darts
Darts is a fun game were you toss a sharp pointy object called a dart at a numbered board that is numbered from 1to 20. It is played world wide and from many years. It is also a sport to be played and loved. -
Puff and Dart
Instead of tossing the dart into the board. Some would use blowpipes to blow the darts into the board.
Photo Source: http://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=BxeMov5e&id=0B076AEAEC575ADE5409222018C8C8DFA0FBA227&thid=OIP.BxeMov5ex8AysESt8ClczAEsDz&q=darts+1800+blow+dart+game&simid=608000988155416542&selectedIndex=10&ajaxhist=0 -
Brain Gamlin
A carpenter from Lancashire in England named of Brian Gamlin created the dartboard numbering layout on the board. -
Paper Dart
The first paper folded dart flight. -
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During the 1900s the legislation prohibited games of chance and darts fell under that category. -
Metal Barrel
The first metal barrel was patented by an American. -
Foot Anakin was put to court for darts and challenged the court to darts
In 1908 a pub owner from Leeds, Yorkshire named Foot Anakin was taken to court for allowing people to play darts in his pub. He decided to challenge the court to prove that darts was not a game of chance, but a game of skill. A dartboard was set up in court and Foot Anakin tossed all 3 in the 20 and a official tried but failed. The judge then ruled that darts was is a game of skill and allowing everyone to play darts again. -
Dart competition
First ever dart competition was sponsored by the newspaper, News of the World. Starting the 1920s -
Darts is a recognized sport
The National Darts Association (NDA) was founded in London making darts more popular and more recognized as a sport. -
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First Championship
A British Sunday newspaper called News of the World sponsored the first big competition. The competition was called the "News of the World Individual Darts Championship". This championship was an overnight hit with around a 1,000 players in the first event. -
The Queen plays
Queen Elizabeth played a game of darts in a social center in Buckinghamshire, England.
Photo Source: https://www.google.com/search?biw=2021&bih=1037&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=Queen+Elizabeth+plays+darts&oq=Queen+Elizabeth+plays+darts&gs_l=psy-ab.3...22919.30123.0.30498. -
A split created another darts organization
The Professional Darts Corporation (PDC) was created in the United Kingdom when a group of 16 leading professional dart players split from the officially-recognized British Darts Organization (BDO). -
Watching darts
Anyone can watch darts getting thrown live at the World Championships through the TV. -
Return of the thrill of darts
ITV returns to darts after almost 20 years by showing the how great the game of Darts is. -
New tournament added to European Championship
A second PDC tournament was became part of the new European Championship. -
Darts are up to date
Electronic dartboards are available with dozens of games built into them and it keeps score for you. Technology has made the darts more popular and much more accessible to play.
Photo Source: http://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=eJIO95Ki&id=C4482FF67177C219224E6E4E5D232930034112A2&thid=OIP.eJIO95KibDwEqPnKhviYTgEsCo&q=electronic+darts+game&simid=607988210632166089&selectedIndex=34&ajaxhist=0