1302 BCE
First Autopsy
The first autopsy was performed to find how a man died. -
1235 BCE
Finding murder weapons
A sickle was used in a murder in a town so all the towns people had to lay there sickle out in the sun and the flies found the one used in the murder. -
750 BCE
First lie detector
A Greek Physician notices that a person pulse goes up when they are lying. -
300 BCE
First Forensics
In ancient babylon fingerprints were put on clay when having a transaction -
Bullet Compaison
A bullet found in man was found to have a flaw so it was traced back to the mold. -
Body Temperature
A paper is written about how a person's body gets colder the longer they are dead. -
Using dental Records
Finger Print scanning mechanism
Using DNA on a body to find the killer
Footprints used to find killer