History of Corpus Linguistics

  • Primitive Corpora

    Primitive Corpora
    Carefully composed parental diaries were recorded on child's locution. These were the first primitive corpora.
  • The German Corpus

    The German Corpus
    Kading used a German Corpus that consisted of over 11 million words to collate the frequency distribution of letter and sequences of letter in German.
  • Corpus and FLP

    Corpus and FLP
    Fries and Traver are linguists who used corpus data in research on Foreign Language Pedagogy.
  • Corpus and Linguistics

    Corpus and Linguistics
    Corpus Linguistics is know as a field of Linguistics.
  • Corpus Abandonment

    Corpus Abandonment
    Corpus Linguistics was largely abandoned due to a large criticism, although it never totally died.
  • 225 Errors

    225 Errors
    Chomsky makes comments on a list that was collected by Reiger which had 225 errors.
  • The SEU

    The SEU
    Quirk planned and executed the construction of the Survey of English Usage (SEU).
  • The Brown Corpus

    The Brown Corpus
    Francis and Kucera began to work on the "Brown Corpus". A famous corpus that took over two decades to complete.
  • Corpus as "pseudo-procedure"

    Corpus as "pseudo-procedure"
    Abercrombie summed up the corpus-based approach as being composed of "pseudo-procedures".
  • Chomsky's Caution

    Chomsky's Caution
    Noam Chosmky cautioned the rejection of performance data as a source of evidence for language acquisition studies.
  • The LOB Corpus

    The LOB Corpus
    A corpus of British English was compiled at the universities of Lancaster, Oslo and Bergen, commonly abbreviated as the LOB corpus.
  • The London-Lund Corpus

    The London-Lund Corpus
    Jan Svartvik started to construct the London-Lund corpus with the SEU and the Brown corpus.
  • Corpus Adoption

    Corpus Adoption
    Corpus Linguistics adopted once more after abandonment.
  • CL and SLP's strong link

    CL and SLP's strong link
    Kennedy noted that Corpus Linguistics and Second Language Pedagogy had a strong link: vocabulary lists for foreign learners.