Plymouth colony passed America's first ordinance controlling the sale of timber
Regulations on deer hunting were imposed by the town charter of Newport, Rhode Island
Two colonies, Connecticut and Massachusetts, imposed limits on the deer hunt
New york sporting club was formed
The first state administrated game and fish commission was created in Massachusetts
the american forestry association was organized to promoste timber culture and forestry
common wealth of Massachusetts authorized its cities to purchase "municipal forests" to protect their watersheds
only 500,00 deer in North America
Gifford Pinchot became head of the USDA's forestry Division
Practically no deer in most of the Eastern states
The weaks law gave the president authority to purchase forest lands for river watershed protection
The United States and great Britain signed the Migratory Bird treaty
Migratory Bird Treaty Act was passed
The Federal government began to assume some responsibility for flood control
Deer population had returned to all those states
The Duck Stamp Act was passed
The federal government instituted a program of grants to farmers
The flood control act authorized the SCS to develop and implement plans for umpstream soil and water conservation in order to reduce sedimentation and flooding
The Secretary of Agriculture set the policy that all SCS work on private land be done only through such association
The United States forest service's national forest system covered 182 million acres