history of concerts

  • Sep 19, 700

    Ancient Greece has pythian games which also featured musical preformances

    Ancient Greece has pythian games which also featured musical preformances
  • Jan 1, 1001

    4500 B.C.ancient egyptians held festivals that had religious rites and ceremonies which included music and dance

    4500 B.C.ancient egyptians held festivals that had religious rites and ceremonies which included music and dance
  • Irish hold their first musical event that we have celbrated music festival held in Dublin Ireland and Ohio

    Irish hold their first musical event that we have celbrated music festival held in Dublin Ireland and Ohio
  • berkshire music festival in M.A. was first music festivalin america

    berkshire music festival in M.A. was first music festivalin america
  • rock and rolls first concert

    rock and rolls first concert
  • beetles first artist to do an international "Tour of Sweden"

    beetles first artist to do an international "Tour of Sweden"
  • Woodstock which had a crowd of 400,00

    Woodstock  which had a crowd of 400,00
  • Hot 97 introduces summer jam

    Hot 97 introduces summer jam
  • first "Made in America"music festival is held

    first "Made in America"music festival is held
  • On thr run tour by beyonce and jay-z attracts crowds of 850,000

    On thr run tour by beyonce and jay-z attracts crowds of 850,000