History of Conception of Childhood

  • 2022 BCE

    History of Conception of Childhood

  • 1487

    Murdered children

    Murdered children
    There is a large literature on changelings, but it is not generally understood that not only deformed children were killed as changelings, but also those who, as St. Augustine says, “suffer from a demon. they are under the power of the devil.. . some infants die in this vexation. “Some church fathers declared that if a baby simply suckled, it committed a sin.
  • Masked figures

    Masked figures
    Masked figures were used to scare children, this dates back to ancient times. The theme of children frightened by masks is a favorite of artists, from Roman frescoes to Jacques Stella's engravings, but since these early traumatic events
    were the object of the deepest repression, theories about their most effective use were discussed: “I think that every young person fears some ghost in particular and is usually terrified.
  • The use of the child as a “toilet”

    The use of the child as a “toilet”
    Adult projections underlie the whole notion of original sin, and for eighteen hundred years adults have generally agreed that, as Richard Allestree puts it, "the new-born babe is full of the stains and defilement of sin, that we inherit from our first parents through our loins.”
    Baptism used to include the actual exorcism of the Devil, and the belief that the child who cried at his baptism was letting the Devil out long outlived the formal omission of exorcism in the Reformation.
  • Diseases

    An English writer, while explaining how terror originated when nurses frightened children with stories of "raw heads and bloody bones," said:
    The nurse takes a fancy to calm the sulky child, and for this purpose she disguises a rough figure, makes it come in and roar and shout at the child with ugly and unpleasant notes that scratch the tender organs of hearing and at the same time, with her gesture and approach, it makes as if it were going to swallow the infant.
  • Terror in children

    Terror in children
    When religion was no longer the focus of the terror campaign, figures closer to home were used: the werewolf will swallow you, Blue Beard will cut you to pieces, Boney (Bonaparte) will eat your flesh, the black man or the chimney it will sweep them away. I will. These practices were not realized until “the once-prevailing custom of terrorizing young minds with ghost stories is now universally disapproved, as a consequence of the growing stock of national common sense.
  • Relationship between parents and children

    Relationship between parents and children
    In a paper presented today to the Association for Applied Psychoanalysis, I outlined an evolutionary theory of historical change in parent-child relationships and proposed that since historians had not yet begun the work of writing the history of childhood, the Association should sponsor a team of historians who would delve into the sources to decipher
  • Child as mother

    Child as mother
    there was a common belief that babies had milk in their breasts that they had to push out. The nurses were instructed to "make sure you press your breasts often to get the milk out because it bothers you." On rare occasions, the newborn will show a drop of milky fluid on her breasts as a result of a carryover of female hormones from the mother. However, what caused this was a common swelling in these parts”,
  • Children's rights

    Children's rights
    The Human Rights Commission submits a draft Convention on the Rights of the Child for the consideration of a working group made up of Member States, agencies, and intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations.
  • Children's paper

    Children's paper
    The United Nations General Assembly approves the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which recognizes the role of children as social, economic, political, civil and cultural agents, and is widely hailed as a landmark achievement for human rights. The Convention guarantees and establishes minimum standards to protect the rights of children in all circumstances. The document refers to UNICEF, which helped draft the Convention, as a source of expertise.
  • Rights process

    Rights process
    Experts from UNICEF, Save the Children, Defense for Children International and other organizations come together to study data obtained through the reporting process of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The meeting leads to the formal creation of the Child Rights Information Network (CRIN) in 1995.
  • Approval

    The United Nations General Assembly approves two Optional Protocols to the 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child, which oblige States Parties to take crucial measures both to prevent children from taking part in hostilities during armed conflict, and to put an end to the sexual sale, exploitation and abuse of children.
  • Juvenile justice

    Juvenile justice
    Together with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, UNICEF publishes the Manual to quantify the indicators of juvenile justice, which allows governments to assess the condition of their juvenile justice systems and make the necessary reforms .
  • Optional protocol

    Optional protocol
    A new Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child of 1989 is approved. Under this Optional Protocol on procedures related to communications, the Committee on the Rights of the Child can present complaints of violations of the rights of the child and take carry out investigations.
  • Convention on the rights of children

    Convention on the rights of children
    Somalia and South Sudan ratify the Convention on the Rights of the Child. This is the most widely ratified international instrument in history; in effect, 196 countries have become States Parties to the Convention. To date, only the United States has not ratified it.