
History of computing & internet

  • Ada Lovelace

    Ada Lovelace
    Was an english mathematician and the first person to describe a computer program. During the 19th century she worked on mathematician Charles Babbage´s proposed mechanical general-purpose computer, the Analytical engine. She was first to recognise that the computer had more uses than pure calculations. In 1843, she published the first algorithm to compute Bernoulli numbers using the Analytical engine. Therefore, she is generally regarded to be one of the first successful computer programmers.
  • Alan Turing

    Alan Turing
    Was among many other things an english mathematician, computer scientist and logician. When it comes to computing, he is most famous for having had great influence on the development of theoretical computer science. He formed a mathematical model of computation called the Turing machine. The machine had the capacity to compute everything computable and the central model of the computers we have today is factually based on his ideas. He presented this idea in 1936.
  • John Backus

    John Backus
    Was an american computer scientist, who invented and implemented the first high-level programming language for computers, along with the team he was the director for. This happened in 1956 and the name of the language was FORTRAN. The language was foremost used for numeric computation and scientific computing. For his inventions, John received many awards and among them the National Medal of Science, in 1975.