2700 BCE
The abacus was invented several times, but it's earliest invention was around 2700 in sumer. It's relatively simple, moving balls around to represent certain digits of a number.
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Napier's Bones.
A Calculation device used to multiplication and logarithms via moving "bones" into certain positions to lattice table.
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Slide rule
A ten inch long ruler like device which performs calculations by sliding numbers into place.
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A calculator which uses wheels for calculating, was designed for tax collection. -
Stepped Reckoner
Invented in the late 1600s. It could never be used due to the lack of technology at the time to properly design the parts. -
Jacquard Loom
A programable loom that uses punchcards to design certain patterns into the fabric.
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The Arithometer was a digital mechanical calculator, it's design being standardised for all the ones coming after it. -
Difference and Analytical engines
The difference engine was a device for calculating polynomials. The analytical engine was a device for logarithms and trigonomic functions. It was also the first ever turing complete machine.
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Augusta Ada Byron
Cited as the first computer programmer for writing the first algorithm tailored to a computer (The difference engine)
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Sheutzian Calculation Machine
An improved version of the difference engine.
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Tabulating Machine
It was a calculator designed for making the U.S census easier to accomplish. -
Harvard Mark 1
Based of the arithmetic engine, and was also used for the Manhattan Project.