Charles Baddage
Designed the first automatic calculator called the Analytical Engine. -
Herman Hollerith
Was the first to take Jacquard's punchcard concept and apply it to computing with his Hollerith Tabulating Machine. -
z1 Computer
a mechanical calculator, first computer to include certain features intergral to today's system -
machine developed to calculate the settings used for weapons -
1st Generation
used vaccum tubes to store data -
2nd Generation
used transistors to store data -
Bill Gates
used BASIC to write program for the altair. Led to the creation of Microsoft -
first commercially successful electroic digital computer, used to redict the outcome of the Stevenson-Eisenhower presidental race -
Jack Kilby
invented the first integrated citcuit, a small chip capable of containing thousands of transistors; designed enabled computers to become smaller and lighter. Computers in this early intergrated-circuit generation were considered 3rd generation computers -
3rd Generation
used integrated circuit -
Revolutionized the software industry led. Led to the creation of Microsoft -
4th Generation
used microprocessor chip. (still used) -
Intro of the GUI
allowed users to interact with the computer more freely -
Altair Computer
no keyboard of monitor lights on front, indicated result of a program -
Steve Jobs
made a few suggestions to help Wozniak with the first apple computer -
Apple II
colored monitor sound and game pads -
first word processing application -
first electronic spreadsheet application -
Osborne Computer
first portable computer, two floppy disk drives -
the first desktop publishing software -
one of the first spreadsheets to use a graphical user interface -
allowed users to view multimedia on the web, causing internet traffic to increase by nearly 350% -
became a predominant player in browser software