History of Computers

  • Charles Babbage

    Charles Babbage
    Babbage developed the steam driven calculator
  • Birth of the modern car

    Birth of the modern car
  • Herman Hollerith designed punch card calculator

    Herman Hollerith designed punch card calculator
  • Alan Turing developed the universal computation machine

    Alan Turing developed the universal computation machine
  • Hewlet Packard was founded

    Hewlet Packard was founded
  • Grace Hopper developed COBOL

    Grace Hopper developed COBOL
  • Douglas Engelbart developed the GUI

    Douglas Engelbart developed the GUI
  • First game console

    First game console
    Magnavox Odyssey
  • Steve Jobs starts apple

    Steve Jobs starts apple
  • Microsoft starts selling windows

    Microsoft starts selling windows
  • Tim Berners Lee developed htlm

    Tim Berners Lee developed htlm
  • the term WiFi was coined

    the term WiFi was coined
  • the iPhone was developed

    the iPhone was developed
  • GOOGLE developed Chromebook

    GOOGLE developed Chromebook
  • Applewatch
