The electricity
The electricity was invented in 1879 -
First generation
The first generation were created between 1942-1955 and used vacuum tubers, for example: ENIAC. -
It weighed 27 tons. It occupied a voom of 167m2 and worked with 17.500 vacuum tubers which could raise the room temperature up to 50ºC. -
Second generation
The second generation of computers were created between 1956-1964. They used transistors and they were smaller and cheaper. -
Third generation
The third generation computers were created between 1965-1975 and used integrated circuits which works like a hundred of transitors , but are faster and uses less electricity. -
Fourth generation
The fourth generation of computers were created between 1975 and the present. Uses microproccesors to procces the information faster. They are smaller and pproduce less heat. -
Fifth generation
The fifth generation will be created in the future and instead of humans, they will use AI (Artificial Inteligence)