Zune's Z1
Z1 was the first binary computer. It was invented to do calculations.
Z1 is important because it was the first computer to use binary, and it was used to make discoveries that helped computers develop. -
200A Audio Oscillator
David Packard and Bill Hewlett invent the 200A Audio Oscillator. It was used for testing by engineers and a later model was used for sound effects. This is important because it improved our understanding of machines and audio. -
The first Colussus is operational. It was designed to break Lorenz code cyphers used by the Nazis in WWII. Colussus reduced code breaking time from weeks to hours. This is important because it showed the potential of machines in covert intelligence. -
Used by the military to calculate artillery targets.
ENIAC proved the potential of vacuum tubes to increase the speed of processing. -
The National Bureau of Standards created the Standard Western Automatic Computer and the Standard Eastern Automatic Computer as a laboratory to set standards for computers. SEAC was the pioneer of all diode logic, a system more reliable than vacuum tubes. -
TRADIC was invented by the AT&T Bell Laboratories, and was the first fully transistorized computer. These completely cold, highly efficient amplifying devices that were invented at Bell Labs enabled the machine to operate on less than 100 watts. This improved the over all ability for computers to work with less power. -
Resistor Transistor logic
Fairchild Camera and Instrument Corp. invented the first integrated circuit, available as a monolithic chip. This is important because it aided in making computers smaller. -
IBM announces the System/360 of six mutually compatible computers and 40 peripherals that could work together. This introduced the concept of having computers that are mutually compatible. -
SRI International invented the first mobile robot controlled by AI, named Shakey. This was the first major step in the development of usable AI. -
IBM invents DASD
DASD or Direct Access Storage Device was invented by IBM to allow users fast, random access to large amounts of data. This is important because it showed the revolutionary potential of hard disks.